Careers We are an organisation that values inclusion, sustainability, service excellence, diversity and inclusion. Find out about us and how to work with us.
Contact us Everything you need to know about getting in touch: where to find us, making payments, multilingual and additional support, media enquiries and more.
Council elections All Council elections are held every four years and the election process is undertaken by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC).
Council structure and performance Find our organisational structure, our vision and plans for the future of Darebin. Find council and planning meeting agendas, minutes and videos.
Darebin grants Find out about grant programs are available for Darebin community groups and not for profit organisations.
Darebin profile The Community Profile provides demographic analysis for the City and its suburbs based on Census results of Population and Housing.
Have your Say Join in the conversation about our projects and help us make decisions that reflect your priorities.
News and Media Stay in the know with the latest Darebin Council news, sign up to our regular newsletters, and get in touch with the media team.
Policies and Transparency We are committed to making information available that explains how we operate and how we make our decisions.
Rates and responsibilities Details on rates, including payments, capping, the rating process, how proceeds are used and your responsibilities as a ratepayer.
Tenders Get the latest tender status updates, learn about our tender submission requirements and procurement best practice.