Disability employment services
Disability employment services help people with a disability to find meaningful work and connect to employers.
Job Seekers
Disability Gateway
The Disability Gateway has services and information to help people with disability, their family and carers to find the support they need.
There are supports and services available to help you get skills and confidence to find and keep a job. Whether it's in an open or supported environment so that you can do meaningful work.
Call 1800 643 787
Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm
National Relay Service 1800 555 677
Interpreter 13 14 50
Job Access
Find your local DES Provider by visiting Government services to help you find and keep a job or call Job Access on 1800 464 800.
Disability Employment Services (DES)
Disability Employment Services (DES), people with disability, injury or health condition may be able to receive assistance to prepare for, find and keep a job.
Providers of Disability Employment Services are called DES providers.
DES providers are a mix of large, medium and small for-profit and not-for-profit organisations experienced in supporting people with disability, as well as providing assistance to employers to support employees with disability in the workplace.
DES providers offer two services:
- Disability Management Service is for job seekers with disability, injury or health condition who need assistance to find a job and occasional support in the workplace to keep a job.
- Employment Support Service is for job seekers with permanent disability who need help to find a job and who need regular, ongoing support in the workplace to keep a job.
Funded by the Australian Government and delivered by industry professionals, Job Access provides free and expert support to assist with employing people with disability from the I am an employer page. This includes an advice service, employer engagement team, workplace modifications, support and training and more.
Department of Education and Training and the Federal Government provides a range of supports for employers of people with disability with their Employer toolkit. This includes financial support, subsidised wages for people with disability, funding for workplace changes and workplace support.
Job Search supports the Job Active service platform providing guidance to employers looking to hire a person with a disability including links to information on the following:
- Job Access
- Disability Employment Services
- Employment Assistance Fund
More information