Please call ahead to confirm hours before you visit the tip this week on 03 8470 8888
We are committed to being accessible, equitable, inclusive and responsive to the needs of our diverse community, find out how we do this. We welcome feedback as an opportunity to improve our services and performance. Customers are encouraged to provide feedback, compliments, suggestions or complaints in a manner that is easy and appropriate to them. This policy provides a guide for how we handle complaints from the community and ensures a fair and equitable approach towards the resolution of issues.
We pride ourselves on being a child safe organisation with zero tolerance for child abuse. We recognise our legal and moral responsibilities to keep children and young people safe from harm; we promote their health and wellbeing, and support their best interests.
We have policies, strategies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, employees and volunteers to achieve these commitments.
By creating environments where all children, including children with a disability, Aboriginal children, and children from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds, have a voice - they are listened to, their views are respected and they contribute to how we plan for, design and implement our services and activities.