Highlights 2023-2024

Young woman smiling in High Street Preston

Highlights of our service to the Darebin community for the 2023-2024 financial year.

Strategic direction 1: Vibrant, Respectful and Connected


  • Finalised Welcoming Cities accreditation documentation to be assessed at ‘Excelling’ level to measure cultural diversity and inclusion policies and practices across the organisation and identify how further efforts could be directed.
  • Completed three months of community engagement to assist the development of a LGBTIQA+ Action Plan and finalised documentation for Rainbow Tick accreditation for several sites and services. 
  • Enhanced community engagement by the Local Laws Team in animal management through responsible pet ownership pop-up events, increased park patrols, and connecting vulnerable residents with support services for their pets. 


  • Participation by women and girls has seen a significant increase on the previous year – growing from 42% in 2022-2023 to 49% in 2023-2024. There have been targeted promotions encouraging participation across all leisure facilities and activities. (On track)
  • The Council has completed and achieved Welcoming Cities accreditation against Welcoming Cities Standards at Excelling level as an indicator for Council's strategic objective number 1.8 of Council Plan 21-25: 'We will work towards a discrimination-free, and systemic racism-free Darebin, and reduce the impact of poverty and disadvantage'. (On track)

Looking forward

  • Finalising the Aboriginal Action Plan, LGBTIQA+ Action Plan, Community Safety Framework and Cultural Diversity Action Plan.
  • Continuing to support local Neighbourhood Houses, support organisations such as DIVRS and delivering community development activities. 

Strategic direction 2: Prosperous, Liveable and Flourishing


  • The new cricket nets at Preston City Oval were completed as part of the Capital Works program 2023-2024.
  • Council successfully advocated for stronger planning controls to protect Preston Market in any future development of the site, with Planning Scheme Amendment C182dare being gazetted in August 2023 by the Minister for Planning.
  • Council has successfully implemented footpath renewal works over the past 12 months, which involved the reconstruction of approximately 15,500 square meters of footpath – that’s the equivalent of laying approximately 10.5km in length.  


  • Approximately 50 affordable and social housing developments were facilitated through planning decisions in 2023-2024. (On track)
  • Housing outcomes have been achieved through the advocacy work of the Darebin Assertive Outreach Program (DACO) team. The team is averaging six housing outcomes per quarter, amid the housing crisis, with particular effort in getting vulnerable clients into crisis supported housing. (On track)
  • In 2023-2024 the number of jobs increased in Darebin from 59,493 in the previous financial year to 61,681. (On track)

Looking forward

  • The new designs for John Hall Reserve Pavilion will be used to construct the new facility. 
  • Council plans to undertake a strategic review of its property portfolio. This review will help us identify opportunities to better utilise properties for the community, and to plan for better uses or new needs. 
  • Moving forward, the Litter Prevention team is aiming to implement CCTV technology across other illegal dumping hotspots in Darebin to discourage dumping and take legal action against offenders. 

Strategic direction 3: Climate, Green and Sustainable


  • During 2023-2024 Council completed the Dole Wetlands Harvest Project, including a 1500m2 wetland and sediment pond, three 670kL and one 310kL underground reinforced concrete storage tanks, and 450m of stormwater drainage. 
  • Darebin Loves Bikes program (including Free Monthly Bike Checks and Ready to Roll bike skills training for new secondary students) was a finalist in the Premier’s Sustainability Awards, Healthy and Fair Society category.  
  • Council is working with stakeholders on water quality projects such as revegetation, litter and pollution prevention programs and storm water management within the catchment. 


  • This financial year, 100% of Council Energy was supplied from renewable sources. (On track)
  • An estimated 350 people supported by Fuel Poverty, based on hits on DIVRS energy resilience webpages. (On track)
  • 40 new trees planted in activity centres. This year’s planting included areas in High Street with significant challenges associated with underground infrastructure. (On track) 

Looking forward

  • Preparation is underway for the implementation of the new hard waste booking collection services for residents with a Council waste service. This is expected to increase recycling rates and be more flexible to meet residents' particular needs in regard to the timing of collections. The new service is scheduled to commence on 1 July 2025 with preparation work underway.

Strategic direction 4: Responsible, Transparent and Responsive


  • In June 2024, the National Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission assessed our Commonwealth Home Support Program services. Council met all 8 Quality Standards with no non-compliance or recommendations. Positive feedback highlighted our governance, staff knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and effective complaint management.
  • Darebin’s ICT and Digital Strategy was endorsed, setting the future direct of Council’s technology requirements, including funding for the implementation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning system to support improved business processes and efficiency across Council operations.  
  • Connected with Aboriginal-led businesses. Ongoing engagement with Kinaway Chamber of Commerce has provided a pipeline of forecast and preliminary awareness of opportunities for council to engage and procure goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led businesses, sub-contractors and suppliers. 


  • Council has improved on the proportion of decisions made at meetings closed to the public, with only 3.5% this year compared to last year (8.6%). (On track)
  • Satisfaction with Council Decisions: Survey results indicate a 12-percentage point improvement and 20% variance on 2022/23. This is in line with pre-pandemic scores on this indicator. Switching back to a door-to-door approach after using phone contacts in recent years might have contributed to this improvement. The personal interaction and face-to-face engagement often yield better responses and more accurate data. (On track)

Looking forward

  • KPMG is assisting Council in preparing for Commonwealth Aged Care Reform by analysing current services and designing a future service model. Their work aims to enhance business systems and ensure Council remains a preferred provider.
  • The Australian Government is expected to release important updates this year, including the final design of the new Support at Home program that will replace Home Care Packages in July 2025, announcements about the successfully tenderers to deliver Aged Care Assessment Services as part of the Single Assessment System from January 2025, final details about the new Aged Care Act commencing July 2025. These announcements are important so that Council can continue to finalise planning   for future delivery of quality aged care services.
  • Developing a financially sustainable long term financial plan through deliberative engagement with the Community. 
  • Providing direction and input into Council’s investment in a new industry leading enterprise resource plan, resulting in improved efficiency gain and better business intelligence for decision making. This would result in significant improvements in customer service to the community.