Community Advisory Committees

Community Advisory Committees

Community Advisory Committees facilitate community participation and input into policy and service development, projects and events.

Council has established a number of Community Advisory Committees to facilitate community participation and input into policy and service development, or to assist with facility, project and event management.

Community Advisory Committees typically are made up of Councillors, Council Officers and a number of community representatives. The community representatives may be local residents appointed in their own right, or representatives of service authorities, support agencies or community organisations.

Council has established and appointed Councillor members to the following Community Advisory Committees for a period of 12 months or until such time as Council makes a further resolution on the matter.

Active and Healthy Ageing Advisory Committee

  • Cr. Connie Boglis OAM (Chair)
  • Cr Gaetano Greco (Proxy)

Art and Heritage Advisory Panel

  • Cr. Alexandra Sangster (Chair)
  • Cr. Kristine Olaris OAM (Proxy)

Darebin Aboriginal Advisory Committee

  • Cr. Kristine Olaris OAM (Co-Chair)
  • Cr. Emily Dimitriadis

Darebin Disability Advisory Committee

  • Cr. Vasilios Tsalkos (Chair)
  • Cr. Matt Arturi (Proxy)

Darebin Domestic Animal Management Reference Group

  • Cr. Connie Boglis OAM (Chair)
  • Cr. Julie O'Brien (Proxy)

Darebin Education Network

  • Cr. Ruth Jelley (Chair)
  • Cr. Matt Arturi (Proxy)

Climate Emergency Darebin Advisory Committee

  • Cr. Julie O'Brien (Chair)
  • Cr. Emily Dimitriadis (Proxy)

Darebin Community Awards Advisory Committee

  • Cr. Kristine Olaris OAM (Chair)
  • Cr. Gaetano Greco (Proxy)

Darebin Interfaith Council

  • Cr. Alexandra Sangster (Co-Chair)
  • Cr. Ruth Jelley (Proxy)

Darebin Nature Trust

  • Cr. Vasilios Tsalkos (Co-Chair)
  • Cr. Julie O'Brien (Proxy)

Gender Equity Advisory Committee (formerly Darebin Women's Advisory Committee)

  • Cr. Kristine Olaris OAM (Chair)
  • Cr. Ruth Jelley (Proxy)

Darebin LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee

  • Cr. Julie O'Brien (Chair)
  • Cr. Kristine Olaris OAM (Proxy)

Darebin Welcoming Cities Community Reference Groups

  • Cr. Gaetano Greco (Chair)
  • Cr. Ruth Jelley (Proxy)

Edgars Creek and Edwardes Lake Task Force

  • Cr. Gaetano Greco (Chair)
  • Cr. Vasilios Tsalkos (Proxy)

Young Citizens Jury

  • No nominations

Callout for Darebin Advisory Committees!

Help us create a more inclusive and fairer community by joining one of Darebin’s Community Advisory Committees!

We strongly believe that all people, in their diversity, should have a say in the decisions that affect them. We are all better off when everyone is able to contribute and be heard. Darebin’s Community advisory committees provide input on policy, programs and services, and advice on various issues facing the community.

We’re currently seeking new members to join one of several Community Advisory Committees.

Applications are open until 16 February 2024.

Apply to become a Darebin Advisory Committee member