Art and Heritage Advisory Panel
Providing expert advice and support to achieving the visual art, public art and heritage interpretation projects, services and activities.
The purpose of this Committee is to provide advice and recommendations (where appropriate) to Council in relation to:
- The Art and Heritage Advisory Panel provides expert advice and support to achieving the visual art, public art and heritage interpretation projects, services and activities that Darebin Council provides to our community.
The Committee shall have regard to and act in accordance with Council’s strategic objectives and priorities. Specifically, the Committee will have regard to the following strategies, plans, frameworks, policies and plans
- Community Vision
- Council Plan
- Council Art Strategy
- Statement of Commitment to Traditional Owners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Creative Darebin
- Bundoora Homestead Art Centre Operations Plan;
Our vision is to be a leader in contemporary art and heritage experiences that engage, excite and inspire our community. There are four guiding principles which will drive success of Bundoora Homestead Art Centre. These are: Artistic Excellence, Heritage and Engagement; Exceptional Visitor Experience; Business Sustainability; Innovative and Inclusive Management
Terms of Reference
Composition and Membership
This Committee comprises Councillor(s) appointed by Council annually and a Council Officer nominated by the Chief Executive Officer (both non-voting) and any other persons, and representatives of organisations as determined by resolution of Council and as specified in Appendix A.
All Advisory Committees will sunset on 30 June following each General Council election, unless they have been re-established in the new Council term or the work of an Advisory Committee has been completed prior to this date.
Specified members of Committees (excluding Councillors) shall be appointed to a Committee for the term specified in Appendix A. All appointments will be for an initial period of 2 years with the option for a further maximum period through to the 30 June in the year following each General Election upon re application.
If the Council Officer (in consultation with existing Committee members) believes that staggered appointment terms are appropriate for the Committee, these may be instituted within the parameters of the 2 years period.
Where a member is appointed to the Committee as a representative of a particular organisation a proxy may attend meeting on their behalf if the nominated person cannot attend.
Council will appoint one proxy Councillor to each Committee annually. Councillor's appointed as a proxy through the annual appointment process may attend Committee meetings.
All vacancies shall be publicly advertised by Council prior to appointment.
Prospective candidates shall submit an Expression of Interest in a form and manner prescribed by Council to enable Council to consider their appointment to the Committee. The criteria for the appointment of members will be developed by the Council Officer based on the required skills and knowledge and the existing Council policy and practices that promote diversity and inclusion. The Council Officer will
consult with the deficiency or gap in the existing Committee that may need to be specifically considered during a recruitment and appointment process
Where vacancies occur ‘mid-term’, a replacement Committee member may be appointed by Council’s Chief Executive Officer, subject to an Expression of Interest process as above.
Committee members appointed as a result of a ‘mid-term’ vacancy will serve the balance of the former Committee member’s term
Notwithstanding any of the above, Council may at any time by resolution set a date or a milestone that when reached or completed causes the cessation of the Committee and the expiry of Committee members’ terms.
A member may not complete more than 2 successive Council terms i.e. 8 years unless exceptional circumstances supporting the continuation of the members participation are demonstrated. Committee regarding any skill or experience.
Nominated Councillors
- Cr Alexandra Sangster (Co-Chair)
- Cr Kristine Olaris OAM (Proxy)
This Committee comprises of the following members:
- Ramona Barry (Co-Chair)
- Uncle Alan Brown
- Zoe Bastin
- Asha Bee Abraham
- Kate Bonser
- Katherine Campbell
- Victoria Jones
- Jacina Leong
- Amelia Marra
- Madeleine McClelland
- Bala Starr
- Gareth Syvret
- Sue Thornton
Meetings of this committee will be held quarterly unless determined by the Committee Chair and Council Officer in order to allow for the timely consideration and provision of advice to Council on particular, time-sensitive matters from time to time.
Committees may, with the approval of the relevant General Manager, meet more frequently on a limited and specific basis (if required).
The meetings will be closed to public.
More information
Leah Crossman