Climate Emergency Darebin Advisory Committee

solar panels on a residential roof

Climate Emergency Darebin advisory committee provides advice and feedback to Council in the implementation of Council’s Climate Emergency Plan.

Join this committee

We are looking for new members to join this active and engaged committee. If you are interested in joining the committee, please complete this expression of interest form by 11.59pm, Sunday 3 March 2024.

Darebin City Council has a proud history of leadership in tackling climate change. This year we will release a new Climate Emergency Plan to set priorities and actions for our climate response until 2030.

If you have a passion for climate-related issues, connections to the Darebin community and/or climate knowledge, we would love to have you join this committee and contribute to our climate work.

We are seeking diverse representation across age, gender, sexuality, and cultural background. We actively work to promote cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander committee members.

For any questions please contact Natalie Jamieson at


The purpose of this Committee is to provide advice and recommendations (where appropriate) to Council in relation to:

  • climate emergency leadership, specifically around the impacts and opportunities for the Darebin community
  • achieving and implementing climate and energy strategies and actions in the Council Plan
  • rapid community emissions reduction including advice on large and community scale renewable energy and other zero emissions technologies
  • ongoing development and review of policies, strategies and plans especially those that directly and indirectly impact the Darebin community around the climate emergency
  • developing programs relating to Council priorities such as: climate risk, fuel poverty, resilience, adaptation, mitigation and protection of those communities most impacted by climate change
  • developing and delivering Council’s Climate Emergency Plan promoting the work of Darebin’s climate program
  • effective and appropriate engagement with Darebin’s diverse community on climate issues
  • advocating to relevant external authorities to ensure action is taken to create a safe climate for all.

The Committee shall have regard to and act in accordance with Council’s strategic objectives and priorities. Specifically, the Committee will have regard to the following strategies, plans, frameworks, policies and plans

  • Community Vision
  • Council Plan 2021—2025
  • Towards Equality: Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights Framework 2019—2029
  • Statement of Commitment to Traditional Owners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Specific Council strategies, frameworks, plans and policies relevant to this Committee

  • Climate Emergency Plan 2017—22
  • Watershed: Towards Water Sensitive Darebin 2015—25
  • Darebin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan 2017—2021
  • Waste and Recycling Strategy 2020
  • Transport Strategy
  • Breathing Space: Open Space Strategy

Terms of reference

Composition and membership

This Committee comprises Councillor(s) appointed by Council annually and a Council Officer nominated by the Chief Executive Officer (both non-voting) and any other persons, and representatives of organisations as determined by resolution of Council and as specified in Appendix A.

All Advisory Committees will sunset on 30 June following each General Council election, unless they have been re-established in the new Council term or the work of an Advisory Committee has been completed prior to this date.

Specified members of Committees (excluding Councillors) shall be appointed to a Committee for the term specified in Appendix A. All appointments will be for an initial period of 2 years with the option for a further maximum period through to the 30 June in the year following each General Election upon re application.

Committee will have two Councillors and maximum of ten community members representing the diversity within Darebin’s community.

  • two from the Traditional Owner as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • two from Darebin’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • two with specialist climate expertise – could be technical or other
  • two with community expertise – community leadership, community engagement, advocacy etc
  • two people between 16—25 years

A Councillor shall be the Chairperson of the Committee with a nominated community member as co-chair.

Presently, the committee comprises of the following Councillors and members:

Nominated Councillors

  • Cr. Julie O'Brien (Chair)
  • Cr. Emily Dimitriadis (Proxy)


This Committee comprises of the following members:

Uncle Owen Butler, Karen Large, Katia Rotar, Julie O'Brien, Steph Rich, Quimby Mills, Blair Trewin, Shervin Tosif.


Meetings of this committee will be held quarterly unless determined by the Committee Chair and Council Officer in order to allow for the timely consideration and provision of advice to Council on particular, time-sensitive matters from time to time.

Committees may, with the approval of the relevant General Manager, meet more frequently on a limited and specific basis (if required).

The meetings will be closed to public.

More Information