Edgars Creek and Edwardes Lake Task Force
This Advisory Committee provides advice & feedback to Council in the implementation of Council's Edgars Creek & Edwardes Lake Task Force.
The purpose of this Committee is to provide advice and recommendations (where appropriate) to Council in relation to the matters specified in Appendix A
In conducting its activities associated with its purpose and scope the Committee will;
- Conduct itself according to, and within, the Terms of Reference and any relevant Council resolution;
- Inform itself of issues, opportunities, constraints and urgent actions relating to maintenance and promotion of the Committee;
- Provide honest, considered, constructive and impartial advice to Council that will improve Council decision making;
- Provide advice on strategic and other planning work to help set short and longer-term direction and action;
- Foster a Committee culture that seeks to understand and explore diverse views of Committee members so that advice to Council reflects such diversity of views, and;
- Report to Council periodically on its work, in order to ensure accountability for its conduct.
In providing advice, all members will be given every opportunity, encouragement and support to put their views before the Committee and that this will be considered in Darebin’s policy, program and project development.
The scope of this Committee is to act in an advisory capacity only and has no delegated authority to make decisions.
The Committee does not have an operational role and neither it, nor its members, may direct staff or volunteers in the performance of their duties.
The Committee shall have regard to and act in accordance with strategic objectives and priorities of each organisation. Specifically, the Committee will have regard to the strategies, plans, frameworks, policies and plans referenced in Appendix A.
Annual Report
Below is the latest report showcasing the projects that the Taskforce has implemented to improve the environmental quality of Edgars Creek and Edwardes Lake:
Edgars Creek and Edwardes Lake Taskforce Report 2022(PDF, 2MB)
Terms of reference
Composition and Membership
This Committee comprises Councillor(s) appointed by Council annually and a Council Officer nominated by the Chief Executive Officer (both non-voting) and any other persons, and representatives of organisations as determined by resolution of Council and as specified in Appendix A.
All Advisory Committees will sunset on 30 June following each General Council election, unless they have been re-established in the new Council term or the work of an Advisory Committee has been completed prior to this date.
Specified members of Committees (excluding Councillors) shall be appointed to a Committee for the term specified in Appendix A. All appointments will be for an initial period of 2 years with the option for a further maximum period through to the 30 June in the year following each General Election upon re application.
If the Council Officer (in consultation with existing Committee members ) believes that staggered appointment terms are appropriate for the Committee, these may be instituted within the parameters of the 2 years period.
Where a member is appointed to the Committee as a representative of a particular organisation a proxy may attend meeting on their behalf if the nominated person cannot attend.
Council will appoint one proxy Councillor to each Committee annually. Councillors appointed as a proxy through the annual appointment process may attend Committee meetings.
The criteria for the appointment of members will be developed by the Council Officer based on the required skills and knowledge and the existing Council policy and practices that promote diversity and inclusion. The Council Officer will consult with the Committee regarding any skill or experience deficiency or gap in the existing Committee that may need to be specifically considered during a recruitment and appointment process
Notwithstanding any of the above, Council may at any time by resolution set a date or a milestone that when reached or completed causes the cessation of the Committee and the expiry of Committee members’ terms.
The Task Force is a partnership between government and community organisations who are actively engaged in water improvement initiatives within the Edgars Creek and Edwardes Lake Catchment. The partners that make up the membership of the collaboration include (each voting):
- Friends of Edwardes Lake
- Friends of Merri Creek
- Friends of Edgars Creek
- Merri Creek Management Committee
- Reservoir Frogs Water Watch Group
- Yarra Valley Water
- Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung
- Melbourne Water
- Environment Protection Authority
- Moreland City Council
- Darebin City Council
Each member shall be represented by one person from each partnering organisation.
This Task Force comprises of Councillor(s) appointed by Council annually and a Council Officer nominated by the Chief Executive Officer (all non-voting).
Nominated Councillors
- Cr. Gaetano Greco (Chair)
- Cr. Vasilios Tsalkos (Proxy)
Community Members
- Friends of Edwardes Lake - Kate Jost
- Friends of Merri Creek – Nicholas Williams
- Merri Creek Management Committee - Julia Cirillo - Waterwatch & Rapid Response to Litter after Rainfall Coordinator
- Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Representative – TBA
- Reservoir Frogs Waterwatch – Teresa Aquino
- Friends of Edgars Creek - TBA
Agency Members
- Yarra Valley Water – TBA
- Melbourne Water – Micah Pendergast – Incentives Coordinator
- Environment Protection Authority – Jeremy Settle – Regional Manager – North Metro
Darebin Council Officer Representatives
- Millie Wells - Coordinator Natural Environment
Meetings will be held quarterly at alternating where possible between virtual and in person meetings.
- Meetings will have a rotating chair.
- A quorum will be half of the voting Committee members plus one. In the absence of a quorum, a Chairperson may conduct the meeting for discussion purposes. Committees have no delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of Council, therefore any vote is on a position of recommendation.
- While voting on matters is expected to be uncommon a member must be in attendance (either virtually or in person) to vote.