Interactions with Councillors

People sitting outside the library with a mural in the background.jpg


Councillors are governed by a Code of Conduct, and also have obligations set by the Victoria State Government which outlines how Councillors may interactwith residents, developers and other people in the community.

Meaningful Councillor Interactions register

As an essential probity measure to support strengthened transparency in decision making, the Darebin City Council has established a public register of ‘meaningful interactions’ in relation to planning matters.

Councillors are required to record ‘meaningful interactions’ with developers, submitters, lobbyists and other people with a direct interest in a planning scheme amendment, development plan, planning permit application, or any other planning decision under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, where Council is the Responsible Authority or the Planning Authority.

This information is recorded in a public register of ‘meaningful Councillor interactions’ which will be tabled at Council meetings for noting and published on Council’s website.

A ‘meaningful interaction’ is an interaction that discusses the substantive nature of the planning decision to be made, for example, the height of a proposed development, car parking requirements, and whether proposal is to be supported or not. The register is not intended to capture administrative interactions.

The Meaningful Councillor Interactions register is a public register open to inspection by members of the public and may contain personal information.The collection and handling of personal information is in accordance with Council’s Privacy Policy, available online or from Council’s customer service centres.

Review the Darebin Meaningful Interactions Register

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