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Published on 24 October 2023
116 successful applicants will receive a 2023-24 Darebin Community Grant!
Congratulations to the successful Community Grant applicants who, after a competitive assessment process, have been awarded funding to support their extraordinary contribution to help make Darebin a better, healthier, more sustainable, and inclusive place.
At Darebin, we have people and groups all around us who make incredible contributions to the community. One way we can support projects which matter to community is through our Community Grants program.
This year, a total 116 successful applicants have been recommended for funding.
We really appreciate the dedication and work involved to keep these important projects going and we are so proud to make a contribution to support them.
Our Community Grants have been fully committed this year. If you missed out this round, we encourage you to apply again next year.
Congratulations again to all the successful applicants!
Visit darebin.vic.gov.au/community-grants for more info and a full list of grant recipients for this round.