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Published on 08 April 2022
The Minister for Local Government, the Hon Shaun Leane MP, today advised that a municipal monitor would be appointed to Darebin City Council.
The monitor will support the Council in undertaking its role to best serve the community and ensure good governance. As part of this process, regular reports will be provided to the Minister regarding progress and any necessary recommendations.
On 23 February 2022, the Mayor wrote to the Minister and confirmed that all Councillors had worked together to confirm they were united in their commitment to work together in the interests of best serving the community.
Toward this commitment, Darebin City Council welcomes the appointment of the monitor and will cooperate will all necessary requirements.
Further details on the appointment, process and timelines of the municipal monitor will be provided by the Minister in due course.
Any questions on the process or role of the monitor should be directed to Local Government Victoria.