Council learns more about Treaty work in Victoria

Published on 26 October 2022


The First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria has given Council a briefing on its landmark work to develop Treaties.

By Charles Pakana

Darebin Council became the first local Council to receive a briefing from the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria on its landmark work towards developing Treaties.

Treaties are a chance to ensure First Nations People have the freedom and power to make decisions that affect First Nations communities, culture and Country.

The September 2022 briefing at Council's Preston office, organised by Uncle Stuart McFarlane, Darebin’s Aboriginal Partnerships Officer, was a chance for Council to hear more about the progress being made to develop Treaties between First Nations Peoples and the State Government.

“In 2016 the Victorian State Government listened to the voices of the state’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples calling for Treaty,” Uncle Stuart said.

“Since then, the focus was just where it should be - on Victoria’s First Nations People.”

During the first two years, the State Government worked with the Aboriginal Treaty Working Group to pass the Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018 through State Parliament, and establish the Victorian Treaty Advancement Commission.

A year later, Victorian Aboriginal people took to the polls in a first-of-its-kind election, electing their own representatives to the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria - a body of 31 Victorian Traditional Owners responsible for setting the foundations for eventual Treaties.

The briefing with Assembly representatives on 19 September, was - up until then - a unique opportunity for Councillors and senior staff to become involved in Australia’s first legitimate Treaty movement.

Darebin Mayor Cr Lina Messina said the briefing gave Councillors a greater understanding of the work that lays ahead for the entire state.

“There is no doubt that Treaties are needed and long overdue,” Mayor Messina said.

“As a Council it is our responsibility to build a relationship with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and the local First Nations Communities, and contribute to this vitally important work.”

  • Uncle Charles Pakana is a proud Aboriginal journalist working with Darebin Council to tell First Nations stories.
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