Darebin’s Housing Strategy – Have Your Say

Published on 05 August 2024


As Darebin’s diverse community grows and changes, so do our housing needs.

We have developed a draft Housing Strategy to manage the population growth and residential development of the Darebin community into the future. 

In 2022, we consulted with you through the Housing Conversation to seek feedback on your values, concerns, and aspirations for housing to inform the Housing Strategy. Guided by consultation with the community, we have developed a draft of Part 1 (Growth & Need) & Part 2 (Character & Design) of the Strategy and the related draft Preferred Neighbourhood Character Statements and Guidelines.

We want to know what you think.

Will the draft Housing Strategy’s vision, strategic directions and actions help ensure Darebin is better placed to support housing that meets the needs of our diverse and growing community into the future? Have we got the draft Preferred Character Statements and Guidelines right? Have we missed anything?

We know social and affordable housing and homelessness services are an important concern to the community. As these issues need to be addressed using strategies and actions different to those proposed in Parts 1 & 2, we will consult with you on this in Part 3 of the Housing Strategy. To prepare us for this, we want you to help us by telling us what we should focus on to address issues of homelessness and social and affordable housing in Darebin.

Share your thoughts with us on our dedicated Your Say page or come talk to us in-person at one of our in-person engagement events.

To find out more about the draft Housing Strategy, the dates of our in-person engagements or to Have Your Say from now until 13 September 2024, visit yoursay.darebin.vic.gov.au/housing

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