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Published on 24 May 2023
Have your say on our draft budget for 2023-24.
In February, we asked you to help shape our 2023/24 Budget by telling us what was important to you. Your feedback gave us a clear idea of the community’s priorities during these financially challenging times.
We heard your feedback and have reviewed our budget so we can meet community needs while ensuring our financial sustainability.
This year’s draft budget totals $224.2 million, with a $194.2 million operating budget and an investment of $30 million in capital works including:
Our 2023/24 Annual Budget will deliver:
The Council Plan, 10-year Financial Plan, and 2023/24 Budget are the key documents that set out Council’s proposed priorities for the financial year ahead. There are other policies and plans that have also been revised. These include:
Before we finalise and adopt the Annual Budget 2023-24, revised Council Plan and 10-year Financial Plan and supporting financial documents on 26 June, we’re calling on the Darebin community for any last comments.
Find out more and have your say in your preferred language from 23 May to 6 June
Visit the YourSay Darebin website