Have Your Say on Darebin’s Families, Youth and Children Strategy

Published on 28 May 2024

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Council is developing a new Families, Youth and Children Strategy to guide how we and our partners work together to improve outcomes for children and young people from 0 to 25 and their families in Darebin.

We heard from over 800 children, young people and adults on what’s important to them and where they need support. We also worked with 46 partner organisations and young leaders to develop the draft Families, Youth and Children Strategy.

Seven themes were identified through this community engagement process for which we have developed corresponding focus areas and aims. We want to know - have we got them right? Do they support Council and our partners’ aim of improving outcomes for Darebin’s children, young people and families? Have we missed anything? Which aims should Council and its partners focus on first?

Have your say or find out more in your preferred language at the dedicated Families, Youth and Children Strategy's Your Say page



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