Waste service charge and rate

Published on 06 April 2022

Recycling bin

The State Government is changing household recycling to reduce waste, increase recycling and make the most of resources. Find out how it all works.

To deliver these statewide changes, while still providing all the services we love, we’ve introduced a kerbside waste service charge and a public waste service rate.

The charge and rate are now shown as separate items on your rates notice.

A key part of the change means that all councils are now required to roll out four bins:

  • a rubbish bin
  • a recycling bin
  • a food and green waste bin
  • a glass bin.

The rising costs associated with collecting and processing the community’s rubbish and recycling in line with these statewide changes are more than what Darebin can recover through rates alone.

That's why we’ve joined the vast majority of Councils across Victoria that already have separate waste service charges.

The rate and charge were determined as part of the budget process and came into effect from July 2022.

Councils can use a separate waste charge and rate to provide waste and recycling services – and they're not subject to the rate cap. A separate waste charge and rate will ensure we have responsibly met this financial challenge and ensured Council’s ongoing financial stability. We’re supporting financially disadvantaged households by including a range of concessions to make the change fairer for lower value property owners as well as expanding the hardship safety net.;

FAQs for businesses

How much will I pay?

Businesses in Darebin that have opted-in to receive a council kerbside waste collection service will pay an annual charge, which is $293.07 per property.

As a business that receives council’s kerbside waste collection service, why am I only seeing the kerbside waste service charge on this year’s notice?

The kerbside waste service charge was implemented in the 2022/2023 rating period. After an audit, Council identified businesses who were not included in the original waste implementation. These properties have now been charged in 2023/2024, along with all properties receiving council waste services.

Do I still have to pay the public waste service rate?

Yes. All ratepayers (including apartment owners and businesses with private waste collection) pay an annual Public Waste Service Rate which covers street sweeping, public litter bins and the collection of dumped rubbish. This is calculated in the same way as general rates, based on the property value determined by the Valuer General.

Can I order a food and green waste bin?

No. Businesses that receive a council kerbside waste collection service are currently entitled to:

  • 1x 80L waste bin
  • 2x 240L recycling bin

We will review these entitlements for the 2024/25 financial year.

Can I order a larger bin?

No. Businesses that receive a council kerbside waste collection service are currently entitled to:

  • 1x 80L waste bin
  • 2x 240L recycling bin

We will review these entitlements for the 2024/25 financial year.

This entitlement is intended to assist you with small amounts of waste including, for example, rubbish from your staff lunchrooms. The service is not intended to replace a commercial waste service or to manage waste that is produced by the business itself. Please consider a private waste collection service if you need larger bins.

Will I get a glass bin when they are introduced in coming years?

The State Government requires all Victorian councils to introduce glass recycling by 2027. Whether businesses that opt-in to receive council’s waste recycling services will receive glass recycling bins is yet to be determined.

I pay the kerbside waste service charge, but I don’t have all three bins (1x 80L general waste bin and 2x 240L recycling bin). Can Council deliver the missing bin/s to my business?

Yes. Please call us on 03 8470 8888 to arrange delivery of the bin/s.

I don’t want all of the bins I am paying for. Can Council remove the bins I won’t use?

Yes. Call us on 03 8470 8888 to arrange removal of your bins. However, you will still pay the full kerbside waste service charge.

Can I opt-out of receiving the Council kerbside waste collection service and have the kerbside waste service charge removed from my rates notice?

Yes. Call us on 03 8470 8888 to opt out of the service and arrange removal of your bins. Requests must come from the property owner (not the business owner/tenant). Please note that if you opt-out you may still notice a pro-rated charge on your next rates notice as the kerbside waste service charge will be adjusted from when the bins are removed.

Can I opt-in to the council kerbside waste collection service?

Yes. Requests must come from the property owner (not the business owner/tenant). Please call us on 03 8470 8888 to opt into the service and arrange delivery of your bins. The kerbside waste service charge will appear as a separate item on your rates notice, with the amount adjusted from when the bins are delivered to the business address.


As the business owner I have an agreement to pay the rates, does the property owner still have to make the request?

Yes. Requests must come from the property owner (not the business owner/tenant).


General FAQs

Has the community been consulted?


Over the past couple of years, we foreshadowed changes to how we fund waste services and what that might mean when we developed our Waste and Recycling Strategy.

Changes have also been foreshadowed in our Council Plan and through consultation in developing our 10 Year Financial Plan.

Part of the consultation for the Financial Plan and Council Plan included a citizen (deliberative) panel who were empowered to consider a full brief on this matter to discuss, debate and inform the direction a waste charge could take.

Importantly, the panel supported the introduction of a waste charge if there were measures put in place to ensure that it only covers waste costs, is transparent, protects those experiencing hardship and that we work with the community to achieve the long-term goal of zero waste.

This consultation and feedback have informed the proposal.

Darebin residents were also able to comment on the draft budget, including the waste charge and rate amounts, before it was adopted by Council in June 2022.

Council has made the difficult decision to introduce this charge and rate to address the financial risk to Council sustainability in the future.

Ultimately this decision is a leadership and governance issue.

Sometimes difficult strategic risk decisions are a part of that, and Council needs to act now to protect our current community as well as future generations.

Importantly there were opportunities for future community engagement and consultation as part of the draft budget process in early 2022.

Why can’t this extra cost be covered by rates as it has been?

Waste costs are rising by more than the rate cap.

In 2016, the Victorian Government introduced rate capping at a maximum of 2 per cent to restrict the amount that councils can raise their rates each year. The rate cap is set by the Minister for Local Government.

The rate cap applies to general rates and municipal charges. It does not apply to waste charges or the Victorian Government’s Fire Services Property Levy.

The changes brought about by the increases in the State Government’s landfill levy charge, along with the mandatory kerbside recycling services that the State Government is introducing, means service costs will significantly rise for Council.

These cost increases are out of Council control and influence.

Addressing this shortfall now, in a timely and transparent way, means we will be in a strong position to deal with future challenges of a growing population and emerging community priorities.

Do the waste charge and rate also mean an increase in rates?


On your rates notice you will see a new public waste service rate and, if you receive council's kerbside waste service, a new waste charge, but you will also see a reduction in your general rates.

This is because we are now separating out the cost of providing waste and recycling services to offset the new waste service fee.

For most ratepayers the new charge and rate, combined with reduced rates, will mean an overall increase of less than $2 per week.

For ratepayers with a property valued at $500,00 or less there will be no increase in the total rates notice.

Ratepayers living in higher valued properties experiencing disadvantage will be supported with a concession.

How will the charge and rate appear on rates notices?

The kerbside waste service charge and public waste service rate are listed separately on rates notices.

What if I can’t pay? What are my options?

Council is committed to strengthening greater social equality and inclusion.

Importantly, there is support available for residents' experiencing hardship or disadvantage.

Darebin ratepayers can apply to Council for assistance relating to any unpaid rates or charges levied on a property under Council’s Financial Hardship Policy.

Unlike other Councils, to help support our community we will be updating this policy to introduce a comprehensive safety net for any resident experiencing hardship under the new waste charge and rate.

This approach continues to place Darebin at the forefront of driving equality for all our community.

There are a range of other options to make paying your rates easier and we will also be strengthening those to provide additional protection ensuring no one is left behind.

You can also pay in 4 instalments by the following dates:

  • 30 September
  • 30 November
  • 28 February
  • 31 May

Pay by Direct Debit with the option of:

  • the 4 instalment dates above, or
  • spread your rate payments over 10 monthly equal instalments.

Pay your full rates in full up front.

If you would like to speak to us prior to making an application, please call us on 03 8470 8880.

I am a pensioner – can I access any rebates?

Council has a strong commitment to supporting all members of our community through this change, including pensioners. Pensioners who own and occupy their home are eligible for the following rebates:

  • $150 Council Pension Rebate
  • $247 Government Pension Rebate
  • $50 Fire Service Levy Rebate

I have a disability – can I access any rebates?

Council has a strong commitment to supporting all members of our community through this change, including people with a disability.

Darebin ratepayers can apply to Council for assistance relating to any unpaid rates or charges levied on a property under Council's Financial Hardship Policy.

To help support the community through this change, we’re adding an additional safety net to the existing Financial Hardship Policy.

If you would like to speak to us prior to making your application, please call Council on 8470 8880.

How much is the kerbside waste service charge and the public waste service rate?

Ratepayers now see two separate fees on their rates notice:

  1. Kerbside waste service charge

    Ratepayers who receive a council kerbside waste collection service (rubbish bin, recycling bin and food and green waste recycling bin) will pay an annual $293.05 fee for the 2023/24 financial year, in addition to the Public Waste Service Rate.

    To help support the community through this change we are introducing concessions aligned to equity principles for 2022/23.

    These ensure:

    • There will be zero net increase as a result of this change for households that are the principal place of residence valued at $500,000 or less (this excludes any change in the rateable value of properties by the Valuer General and any increase to the Fire Service Levy collected on behalf of the State Government).
    • No household will experience an increase of more than $100 as a result of this change. However, for households that do not currently pay for a food and green waste bin, there will be an additional $56.50 service fee on top of the $100.
    • A ‘Safety Net’ concession is being introduced through the Rates Financial Hardship Policy for those experiencing financial hardship. This will be automatically applied to all pensioners in receipt of the Pensioner Rebate. It is available for application by other ratepayers who meet the eligibility criteria.
  2. Public waste service rate

All ratepayers (including apartment owners and businesses with private waste collection) will pay an annual Public Waste Service Rate which covers street sweeping, public litter bins and the collection of dumped rubbish. This is calculated in the same way as general rates, based on the property value determined by the Valuer General. 0.00006124 x CIV (capital improvement value) per property determined by the Valuer General.

What does the kerbside waste collection service cover?

  • Weekly kerbside rubbish collection
  • Fortnightly kerbside recycling collection
  • Fortnightly kerbside food and garden waste collection
  • One free bundled branch collection per year
  • One Christmas tree collection per year
  • Hard rubbish collection. One booked service and one council-wide service per year.

What does public waste services cover?

  • public litter bins
  • street cleaning and street sweeping
  • laneway clearing
  • litter/dumped rubbish

I own an apartment (multi-unit development) which has a private waste service. Do I have to pay the kerbside waste collection service charge?


You do not have to pay the charge if you do not receive Council’s kerbside waste collection service (rubbish, recycling and/or green waste bins) and your general rates have been reduced to reflect this change.

You pay the public waste service rate which pays for services including:

  • public litter bins
  • street cleaning and street sweeping
  • laneway clearing
  • litter/dumped rubbish

I own an apartment (multi-unit development) which has a private waste service. Do I have to pay the public waste service rate?

Yes. The public waste service rate pays for waste services including:

  • public litter bins
  • street cleaning and street sweeping
  • laneway clearing
  • litter/dumped rubbish

I am a business owner. Do I have to pay the kerbside waste service charge?

Only businesses that currently receive a council kerbside waste service will pay the kerbside waste service charge.

You will pay a public waste service rate which will pay for services including:

  • public litter bins
  • street cleaning and street sweeping
  • laneway clearing
  • litter/dumped rubbish

I am a renter. Do I have to pay the waste service charge and rate?

No. The waste service charge and rate are payable by the property owner who receives rate notices.


Will my waste and recycling services change?

Council introduced a food and green waste recycling service to all eligible households across Darebin during June and July 2022. All ratepayers receiving council's kerbside waste collection service now have a food and green waste bin. The cost of the food and green waste recycling service will be covered by the kerbside waste charge.

The State Government has mandated several changes to how Councils right across Victoria manage their waste.

All councils must transition to four core waste and recycling services which will standardise bin lid colours across Victoria:

  • Red lid bin: rubbish
  • Green lid bin: food and green waste
  • Yellow lid bin: recycling
  • Purple lid bin: glass recycling (council may provide a centralised collection point for glass instead of a bin)

Council is planning for the introduction of glass recycling to Darebin in the coming years after consulting with the community about the new service in August 2023.

Will the frequency of my bin collection change?

There will be no change to collection frequency. We will consult with the community about collection frequency of the various bins in August 2023.

Will the food and green waste bin continue to be an optional service?


Council introduced food and green waste recycling across the entire municipality during June and July 2022.

All ratepayers receiving council's kerbside waste collection service now have a food and green waste bin.

Why am I receiving a new food and green waste bin if I don’t want it?

We are rolling out food and green waste bins to all residents to reduce waste to landfill, reduce emissions and help save costs.

Currently over half of what is in the rubbish bins in Darebin is food and garden waste that should go in in the food and green waste bin.

When food and green waste ends up in landfill it produces greenhouse gas emissions as it breaks down and contributes to climate change.

Instead, the food and green waste that we collect is turned into compost, which is used to enrich the soil at farms, parks and gardens. Food and green waste recycling service works alongside home composting.

Providing a food and green waste service to all households is an important part of the State Government’s Recycling Victoria reforms.

Will bin sizes change?

We are not changing the size of our bins. Our standard service is:

  • 80 litre rubbish bin
  • 240 litre recycling bin
  • 120 litre food and green waste bin

I have a larger general waste bin permit. Do I still have to pay extra?

Yes. Charges for non-standard bins will be for:

  • Larger waste bins
  • Additional recycling bins
  • Additional food and garden waste bins



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