Over the past couple of years, we foreshadowed changes to how we fund waste services and what that might mean when we developed our Waste and Recycling Strategy.
Changes have also been foreshadowed in our Council Plan and through consultation in developing our 10 Year Financial Plan.
Part of the consultation for the Financial Plan and Council Plan included a citizen (deliberative) panel who were empowered to consider a full brief on this matter to discuss, debate and inform the direction a waste charge could take.
Importantly, the panel supported the introduction of a waste charge if there were measures put in place to ensure that it only covers waste costs, is transparent, protects those experiencing hardship and that we work with the community to achieve the long-term goal of zero waste.
This consultation and feedback have informed the proposal.
Darebin residents were also able to comment on the draft budget, including the waste charge and rate amounts, before it was adopted by Council in June 2022.
Council has made the difficult decision to introduce this charge and rate to address the financial risk to Council sustainability in the future.
Ultimately this decision is a leadership and governance issue.
Sometimes difficult strategic risk decisions are a part of that, and Council needs to act now to protect our current community as well as future generations.
Importantly there were opportunities for future community engagement and consultation as part of the draft budget process in early 2022.