Business news Stay connected with the latest in the business community and be the first to hear about opportunities for your business.
Business permits New or established businesses are likely need one or more council permits. Find what you need to know about permits, safety, training and regulations.
Business resources and support Find the latest details on our economic and business profile, as well as resources and organisations to support your business development.
Growing your business From growing, expanding or starting, we have everything you need to know about business in Darebin, get the latest and connect with opportunities.
Outdoor dining and trading permits Want to display goods outside your business, trade on footpaths or extend to outdoor dining (parklet) in the City of Darebin? You will need a permit to do so. Learn more and apply for footpath trading and outdoor dining (parklets) permit.
Starting a business If it's a new business idea or you’re looking to take over an existing operation, get accurate information about all aspects of running a business.
Sustainable business We are working with local businesses to support you to become more environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and circular.
Tenders Get the latest tender status updates, learn about our tender submission requirements and procurement best practice.