Register a public aquatic facility

A public aquatic facility is a pool or spa that the public can use, such as those in hotels and apartment complexes, for instance.

Please note: the information on this page is for public aquatic facilities, not private residential pools.

After changes to Victorian regulations in 2019, owners of public aquatic facilities must now register with us. The regulations identify two risk-based categories for aquatic facilities that may pose a risk to public health.

Category 1 aquatic facility

A Category 1 facility is defined as any swimming pool, spa pool or interactive water feature in any one of the following groups:

  • public use, whether free of charge or for a fee
  • use for classes or programs, whether free of charge or for a fee
  • located at an early childhood service, school or other educational institution
  • located at a premises that provides residential aged care services
  • located at any public, private or denominational hospital, multi-purpose service, or privately-operated hospital within the meaning of section 3(1) of the Health Services Act 1998.

You must register your Category 1 facility with us.

Category 2 aquatic facility

A Category 2 facility is defined as a swimming pool or spa pool the public uses, which is located at any one of the following groups:

  • residential apartment complex
  • hotel, motel or hostel.

You must notify us about your Category 2 facility

Your responsibilities

To start with, please contact the Health Protection Unit on 03 8470 8658 if you don't know which category applies to your facility.

As an aquatic facility owner, you must:

  • complete a Water Quality Risk Management Plan and comply with the plan
  • perform water sampling as outlined in your Water Quality Risk Management Plan
  • notify us of all failed water samples within 24 hours
  • follow the Water Quality Risk Management Plan and our directions when water samples fail
  • keep a record of operational and verification monitoring results for at least 12 months
  • provide adequate, role-specific training to all staff members
  • keep the aquatic facility clean and sanitary
  • follow water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities
  • follow the DHHS healthy swimming recommendations

More information

Health Protection
Phone: 03 8470 8658