Local business associations

Local business

A business association works with local businesses and council to ensure the ongoing success of their local area. Business associations range from formal, incorporated organisations that meet regularly, to casual groups of business owners who meet occasionally.

Find a business association

The following business associations are located in Darebin.

Fairfield Traders Association

Marketing coordinators: Yvette Standfield, Anna Henderson
President: Jordan Karagiannidis
Email: fairfieldstationvillage@outlook.com
Website: www.fairfieldvillege.net.au
Social Media: Facebook and Instagram

Map of businesses in Fairfield(PDF, 253KB).

Northcote Business Association Inc

Administration Coordinator: Eva Abbinga and Marketing & Projects Coordinator: Shae Isaac 
President: Andrew Mansfield
Email: northcotebusinessassociation@gmail.com
Website: www.northcoterise.com.au
Social media: Facebook and Instagram

Map of businesses in Northcote(PDF, 2MB).

Preston Business Association Inc

Marketing Coordinator: Stavros Zikou
President: Gianni Menara
Email: info@prestoncentral.org.au
Website: www.prestoncentral.org.au
Social media: Facebook and Instagram

Map of businesses in Preston(PNG, 763KB).

Reservoir Traders Business Association

Marketing Coordinator: Belinda Thomas
President: John Sweeney
Email: cmreservoirvillage@gmail.com
Website: www.reservoirvillage.com.au
Social media: Facebook and Instagram

Map of businesses in Reservoir(PNG, 2MB).

For more information, see our guidelines for business associations(PDF, 533KB) .

Special rates levy

A special rates levy is an annual fee paid by business properties that is pooled into a central fund and spent by the Business associations on encouraging commerce and retail activity in that area.

A special rates levy is raised in addition to the general rates and charges under the provisions of section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989.

This levy is raised to support businesses within the business precinct to fund place-based promotional, marketing, business and economic development initiatives that encourages the economic success and vibrancy for all.

These can include:

  • digital, print and social media
  • marketing events (for example Christmas)
  • promotional materials
  • engaging a centre/events/marketing coordinator
  • improve centre décor and displays and
  • enhancing the appearance of the area to attract more customers.

More information

Business Support Team
Phone: 03 8470 8344
Email: business@darebin.vic.gov.au