Kindergarten facts

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Kindergarten is a one to two-year program for children before they start primary school.

What is the difference between integrated kindergarten, sessional kindergarten and child care?

Integrated 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten is a government funded kindergarten program operating within a child care service. Services charge a daily fee and may operate during school holidays. Programs are delivered by a bachelor qualified Educator.

Sessional 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten is a government funded kindergarten program operating within the Victorian school term. Services close during school holidays, and it is free. Programs are delivered by a bachelor qualified Educator.

Child care is a daily program offered to children aged between 6 months to 5 years within a child care service. Services operate all day, charge a daily fee and may be open all year. Programs are delivered by qualified early childhood educators.

How do I choose a kindergarten?

Every family is different. The kindergarten program you choose should be a good fit for your child and family. It’s a good idea to visit services you are interested in to find the right fit for your family. Look for the Kinder Tick when choosing a kindergarten service.

The Kinder Tick helps Victorian families find a funded kindergarten program for their children.

Families can only attend one service for kindergarten - you cannot receive it at two different places. 

How do I decide if my child is ready for kindergarten?

Talk to your Maternal and Child Health nurse or a qualified early years educator to help you decide. Kindergarten open days also provide a great opportunity to talk things through with an experienced professional.

Before your child starts kindergarten, find out more with these tips for starting kindergarten.

When can my child start Kindergarten?

Your child must turn three by April 30 of the year they start a Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program.

Your child must turn four by April 30 of the year they start a Four-Year-Old Kindergarten program.

Does my child need to be vaccinated to attend 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten?

Yes. Your child must be up to date with their vaccinations to go to kindergarten in Victoria.

At the enrolment process (usually in October with the kindergartens) you will need to give the kindergarten a copy of your child's Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register. Make sure your child's immunisations are up to date before enrolment.

Find out about our immunisation service or you can contact the Darebin Immunisation Team at or call 03 8470 8562.

You can find out more about the No Jab No Play on the Better Health Channel.

Children experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage can be enrolled without an Immunisation History Statement for a short time while their immunisations are brought up to date.

Can my child attend kindergarten if they are not toilet trained?

Yes. Kindergarten is for all children, including those who are not yet toilet trained.

What if I am late to register my child?

Registrations are open from 1 March to 30 June for round one, first selected kindergarten only. If you register after 30 June, it will be accepted but you will not be included in the round one offers in July for 4-year-old kindergarten and August in 3-year-old kindergarten 

Can my child attend sessional kindergarten if they are not 3-years-old until later in term 1?

No. Kindergarten services are required to meet the correct ratio of staff to children, the ratio is based on children’s age.

If your child turns three by 30 April in the year of registration, and you would like them to start sessional kindergarten, you can still enrol your child. Services will hold your child's place until they are old enough to attend.

If you have any further questions, contact your local kindergarten service. Services can email for more information.

Can I change my preferences before I get an offer of a place?

Yes. You can change your selected services up until the allocation process begins.

Can I cancel my registration?

Yes to cancel your registration you can do so via your Hub Hello account or you can call Darebin Kindergarten Central Registration Team. 

What does it cost to attend kindergarten?

Sessional Kindergarten is currently available for free across Victoria at participating services.

A kindergarten program within a childcare setting is not free, you may be eligible for a $2,000 kindergarten subsidy which can be used to offset the kindergarten program component of your out-of-pocket fees.

  • 3-year-olds get between 5 and up to 15 hours per week of a kindergarten program
  • 4-year-olds get a 15 hour per week (600 hours a year) program

More information regarding fee schedules is available from individual kindergartens.

What does it cost to register on the Darebin Kindergarten and Child Care Registration System?

There is no cost for families to register for either 3-year-old or 4-year-old kindergarten for 2025.

Does my concession card entitle me to any kindergarten benefits?

Yes. More information regarding free kindergarten is available from individual kindergartens or at the Give your child the best start in life website.

Why was I not offered a place in Round one?

If you did not receive an offer in Round One, you will be included in ongoing offers as places become available. This process continues until all vacancies are filled.

Can I defer my offer?

No, you cannot defer an offer. No

To be eligible for the following year you will need to register again when it opens in March.

Do I need to register for 4-year-old kindergarten if I already have a place in the 3-year-old kindergarten program?

Yes, you will. Follow the instructions on how to register on the Kindergarten registration page. 

Can I register to repeat kindergarten?

No. Please contact the Kindergarten Registration Team they can advise you how to register.

Maternal and Child Health Centre check reminder

It is recommended that your child attend a Maternal and Child Health Centre for health, developmental and vision screening at 3.5 years of age. Find out more about our Maternal and Child Health service.