Kindergartens in Darebin

Young children clapping during a song

Find out about kindergarten? When your child can start, and about the kindergartens in Darebin. 

What is Kindergarten 

Kindergarten (also called preschool) is a program for young children, 3-years and 4-yeasrs old, delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher.

Kindergarten is an important step for young children. We strongly recommended all children go to kindergarten.

Research has shown that:

  • early education helps set children up for a bright future
  • at kindergarten children learn skills that they'll take with them throughout their life
  • It improves children’s health and wellbeing,
  • helps them to develop strong social skills and
  • encourages a love of learning.

Children who go to kindergarten are more independent and confident and are more likely to make a smooth move to primary school.

Sending your child to kindergarten

When can children start kindergarten

Families with children born between January and April can choose which year to start Three-Year-Old Kindergarten. These children can start in the same year they turn three, or in the year they turn four years of age. 

Talk to your Maternal and Child Health nurse or a qualified early years educator to help you decide. Kindergarten open days also provide a great opportunity to talk things through with an experienced professional.

To check when your child will be eligible to start Three-Year-Old Kindergarten and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten, you can use the starting age calculator.

3-year-old kindergarten

Your child is eligible to attend 3-year-old kindergarten if they turn three by 30 April in the year of attending kindergarten. If your child's birthday is in the early months of the year, they will not be able to start kindergarten until after they turn three, even if the term has begun.

Once your child starts 3-year-old kindergarten, they are expected to attend 4-year-old kindergarten the following year, then prep the year after. Choosing the best year to commence 3-year-old kindergarten is important. There is no option to repeat 3-year-old kindergarten.

4-year-old kindergarten

Your child can attend 4-year-old kindergarten if they are turning four by 30 April in the year of attendance. Children can only attend one funded kindergarten program at one service 

A second year of funded 4-year-old kindergarten must be approved by the teacher and the Department of Education and is only recommended for children who exhibit developmental delay in at least two areas.

How to choose a kindergarten

Most kindergartens welcome enquiries and will organise a time for families to visit, where you can see the indoor and outdoors spaces, meet the staff and the children attending it.

 Look for the Kinder Tick |

3 and 4-year-old Kindergarten programs can operate in:

  • children’s services
  • long day care services
  • community kindergartens
  • independent schools
  • some government schools.

They are operated and managed by a range of providers:

  • parent committees of management
  • commercial operators
  • early years management organisations

Darebin City Council does not manage or operate any of the Early Childhood Education and Care Services(ECEC) (Kindergartens and Child Care) in Darebin. Darebin does operate the Kindergarten Central Registration System, for some of the services in Darebin, the software used is Hub Hello, this system allows families to register for more than one service using one registration form.

View kindergarten services participating in the Darebin Registration System(PDF, 217KB)

Types of Kindergarten 

Integrated kindergarten

Integrated kindergarten is a government funded kindergarten program operating within a Child Care Service (long day care) which also allows for childcare before and after the kindergarten program.

  • Children can attend all day.
  • They operate during school holidays. (when the kindergarten program is closed)
  • There are daily fees (set by individual services) and most services operate 49 weeks of the 52 week year.
  • Some ECEC services will not allow you to continue with the child care if you choose to register for kindergarten at another service. Families can only attend one kindergarten program.

The daily fee is set by each individual service, if families are eligible, they can receive the Child Care Subsidy through Services Australia, which assists with the daily fee. The funded kindergarten payment is given to the service by the State Government and the service deducts this from the families' fees. 

Sessional kindergarten is a government funded kindergarten program operating within a standalone kindergarten.

  • Children can attend during the Victorian school term
  • They are closed for school holidays
  • There is no fee.

To register your child in a service that is not on the Darebin registration system, please contact those services directly.

View all Early Childhood Education and Care Services in Darebin(PDF, 321KB)

Darebin Kindergarten Central Registration Team
Phone03 8470 8825  
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Complaints – about a service

Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services in the City of Darebin are managed by a diverse range of providers, including parent Committees of Management, Commercial operators and Early Years Management Services.

If you are concerned about your child's education, care, or licensed children's service, you should raise your concerns with the service first.

  1. All early childhood services must have a written policy and procedure that states who you need to speak to about your complaint, how they will respond, and which complaints must be notified to the department.
  2. The name and the telephone number of the person who deals with complaints must also be displayed at the entrance to the service. For family day care, these details will be located in the service's principal office. If your complaint cannot be resolved by the service, you should then raise it with the department.

Give feedback or make a complaint to the Department of Education

Complaints –about the process

The Kindergarten Central Registration Team welcomes feedback from services, families and carers about their experience using the Kindergarten Central Registration Scheme.

You can provide feedback at any time by calling or emailing the team. Every Year, our team reviews the Kindergarten Central Registration Scheme to make sure we are providing the best service possible. At the end of the registration period, we’ll send a survey to all families and kindergarten providers, so they can give us feedback. Darebin City Council has procedures and policies in place to respond to any complaints regarding dissatisfaction with the Councils level and quality of service. 

Safeguarding children

We are committed to a child-safe organisation and have zero tolerance to abuse of children and young people. Read more about safeguarding children.

If the complaint is related specifically to a child with a disability, contact the Association for Children with Disability.

Association for Children with Disability
Phone: 03 9880 7000