INFANT sessions

infant eating food with hands.jpg

Want the latest information on feeding and play for your baby? Join the INFANT Program.

The INFANT program includes four face to face group sessions led by a health professional when your baby is around 3,6,9 and 12 months old.

Group sessions are supported by a phone app called My Baby Now.

INFANT sessions and the companion app will help you learn about:

  • Understanding and responding to your baby’s cues/signs
  • When and how to introduce solid foods and a sippy cup
  • Active play you can do together
  • Strategies for limiting screens
  • Experiences, strategies and tips from other parents

Download our INFANT Sessions Flyer(PDF, 183KB).

INFANT session locations

To book, speak to your MCH nurse by email at or phone 03 8470 8298

Session times

 Date Time Location Age Group
17/03/2025 10am-12pm Fairfield Activity Room 6 months
17/03/2025 1pm-3pm Fairfield Activity Room 9 months
08/04/2025 10am-12pm Fairfield Activity Room 6 months
08/04/2025 1pm-3pm Fairfield Activity Room 12 months
10/04/2025 1pm-3pm Preston Salvation Army 6 months