COVID-19 Immunisation

Nurse giving patient vaccine

Up-to-date information about COVID-19 immunisation in our community

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COVID-19 vaccines and clinics

COVID-19 vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect yourself and your loved ones from serious illness. Most people can consider a booster dose at least 12 months after their last vaccine.

If you are unsure about whether to get a booster dose, your GP can help you to make a decision.

  • COVID-19 vaccination is only recommended for children aged under 18 years who have risk factors for severe COVID-19
  • A single dose primary course is recommended for everyone aged 18 to 64 years, and booster doses can be considered every 12 months
  • A single dose primary course is recommended for people aged 65 years and older, and booster doses are recommended

Find out about booster doses on the COVID-19 vaccine advice and recommendations page at Department of Health.

Vaccination Clinics

COVID-19 vaccines can be accessed through many pharmacies and GPs across the community.

To find an appointment, you can use the Australian Government's COVID-19 Clinic Finder to book an appointment or call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080. Be sure to select the correct vaccine for your age group when searching for clinics.

When attending a COVID-19 vaccination clinic, you should bring:

  • Your Medicare card or Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) number (if you have one), and
  • A form of identification (eg. driver’s license, proof of age card, passport)

If you need assistance accessing your Immunisation History Statement or COVID-19 Digital Certificate, or your need help adding a COVID-19 vaccine given overseas to your record, contact our Immunisation team on 03 8470 8562 or email

For all other immunisations, including the flu vaccine, see our immunisation page.