Immunisation for adults
Immunisation sessions
See times and dates of our sessions for children, adolescents and adults
We offer adult immunisations for people funded under the National Immunisation Program and people who want to purchase vaccines.
You may be eligible for funded vaccines if you are:
- over 65 years of age
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- pregnant, about to become pregnant
- living with certain medical conditions
- part of a higher-risk group, such as men who have sex with men
- immunocompromised.
Vaccines can also be purchased at a reasonable cost for people who aren’t funded under the National Immunisation Program. We offer vaccines for:
- hepatitis A & B
- diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough
- meningococcal ACWY
- meningococcal B
- influenza / Flu
- human papillomavirus
For more information about adult immunisations, visit the Better Health Channel to check your immunisation HALO.
Vaccines recommended in pregnancy
Learn more about immunisation and pregnancy at Better Health Channel.
Our service can offer the following funded vaccines for pregnant people. The recommended window for your visit is between 28-32 weeks gestation, which will provide optimal protection in one visit.
- Pertussis/whooping cough booster — recommended each pregnancy between 20-32 weeks gestation; provides limited protection after that. Given in combination as Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Whooping Cough.
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine — recommended between 28-36 weeks gestation; provides limited protection after that. Babies of parents who do not receive an RSV vaccine before 36 weeks can be given another product after birth to provide protection.
- Influenza/flu — recommended each pregnancy at any stage when available seasonally.
Partners and household members of people who are pregnant are recommended to receive a whooping cough booster if they have not had one in the last 5-10 years. This can be purchased at our sessions at a cost of $42 per dose.
These vaccines are available now at all sessions.
Shingles / varicella zoster
From November 1 2023, Shingrix vaccine is available under the National Immunisation Program schedule, meaning certain people can access 2 doses of this vaccine for free.
To be eligible, you:
- must be aged 65 years or over, or 50 years or over for First Nations people, and
- must not have had a dose of Zostavax within the last 12 months, and
- must not have had an episode of acute shingles in the last 12 months.
Shingrix is given as 2 doses, spaced 2–6 months apart.
If you have previously paid for a dose of Shingrix vaccine and meet the eligibility criteria, you can access the second dose for free under the new funding arrangement.
Limited Shingrix vaccine is available each month — call us on 8470 8562 or email to join the wait-list. Your GP, local pharmacy, or community health centre may have stock available.
Learn more about Mpox at Better Health Channel.
Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) is a disease caused by infection with the mpox virus. It typically results in a mild illness associated with a rash. It is spread mostly through prolonged physical or intimate (skin-to-skin) contact with someone who has mpox.
Mpox can be prevented by vaccination with two doses of the JYNNEOS vaccine, given at least 28 days apart. This vaccine is funded for:
- Sexually active gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men.
- Sexually active transgender and gender diverse people, if at risk of mpox exposure.
- Sex workers, particularly those whose clients are at risk of mpox exposure.
- Sexual partners (including anonymous or intimate contacts) of the above groups.
- Sex-on-premises venue staff and attendees.
- People living with HIV, if at risk of mpox exposure, and their partners
Mpox vaccine is now available for eligible clients at all sessions.
Influenza / flu vaccine
Learn more about flu at Better Health Channel.
Immunisation against the flu is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and over.
The 2025 flu vaccine is now available at all sessions for all clients aged 6 months and over.
Funded flu vaccine is available for
- children aged 6 months to less than 5 years
- anyone aged 65 years and older
- pregnant people – at any stage of pregnancy
- all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and over
- people aged 6 months or older with certain medical risk factors — you can check the list of eligible conditions at Better Health Channel.
Fee-paying flu vaccine is available to purchase for people outside these categories at a cost of $22 per dose, payable by EFTPOS at the immunisation session.
We can visit workplaces to give employees flu vaccine and other vaccines tailored to your workplace.
Workplace immunisation can offer many benefits for employers, including:
- Reduction of sick days for staff
- Increased safety in the workplace – illness can slow reaction times by 20-40%
- Compliance with Workplace Health & Safety Regulations
- Protection against vaccine preventable diseases and unnecessary outbreaks
- Improved staff morale by showing an interest in employee health and wellbeing
To discuss a workplace visit, contact Team Leader Lynne Ryan on 0419 765 230 or email
Contact us
Darebin Immunisation Service
270 Gower St, Preston 3072
Phone: 03 8470 8562