Gender equity in the early years

We support gender equity in the early years by providing leadership, programs and services.

Local government provide a range of services and programs to all aspects of the community, including maternal and child health, family support services and libraries. They are well placed to support gender equity in the early years, to provide leadership and influence community attitudes, infrastructure, programs and services that increase women’s safety and prevent violence against women.

Darebin is committed to this work and has created a range of resources for Early Years to support this to happen. The resources aim to increase knowledge and understanding about the powerful role the sector has in providing services and programs that are gender equitable, by challenging stereotypical notions of gender and creating foundations for learning that are respectful and promote positive gender norms.

For a summary of the project and associated resources, please scroll down to watch a short video.

You can download the Creating Gender Equity in the Early Years: A Resource for Local Government(PDF, 722KB) document which details a number of tools and resources for local government and early years sectors across Victoria. Some sections of Creating Gender Equity in the Early Years: A Resource for Local Government may also be relevant to other sectors working to improve gender equity and prevent violence against women.

You can download a summary of the resource(PDF, 210KB).

Video resources

The resource includes links to five supporting videos with gender equity experts and early years professionals, these include:

  1. Gender Equity in the Early Years
  2. Professional Development for Gender Equity in the Early Years
  3. Creating Gender Equitable Spaces
  4. Providing Gender Equitable Early Years Services
  5. Reflections from Early Years Educators

Brilliant Books for Respectful Relationships

A list of books that challenge gender stereotypes in the early years. Compiled by Darebin’s Gender Equity in the Early Years Community of Practice. You can download the Books for Respectful Relationships(PDF, 2MB) resource.

More information

Gender Equity Officer
Phone: 03 8470 8498