Interfaith communities

With the diversity of religions and faiths in Darebin, learn how we promote peace and harmony among our community.

Darebin Interfaith Council

The Darebin Interfaith Council Committee was established in June 2005. It is a collaborative partnership aiming at creating opportunities for dialogue between religious leaders and community members of diverse faith background. It also acts as a source of information and advice to Darebin City Council and the Darebin community on interfaith related matters.

Darebin Council and the Omar bin Al Khattab (Preston) Mosque

Darebin Council and the Omar bin Khattab (Preston) Mosque have committed to working together to build and foster positive community relationships between the Mosque, Council and the broader community in a spirt of respectful co-existence and where all people feel valued, respected and included.

The priority areas of focus are:

  1. Linking to services: increase awareness of Council and community programs and services to increase access and improve health and wellbeing outcomes.
  2. Community Relations: Jointly support projects and activities that strengthen respectful and constructive community relations.
  3. Civic participation: Commit to a broader interfaith and intercultural dialogue to support Council’s communities at risk of exclusion such as youth and Muslim women.

Respect: A Guide for Muslim Faith Leaders and Communities

Download Summary(PDF, 421KB) or Download Full Document(PDF, 7MB)

This resource is a guide for Muslim faith leaders and communities to take action to prevent violence against women and promote equal and respectful relationships. Violence against women and girls is now recognised as one of the leading public health and human rights issues of our time. Everybody has a role to play in creating a safe and respectful community.

More information

Community Development Officer - Interfaith & Multicultural
Ph: 03 8470 8312