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Council has a guiding framework to address inequality and to support human rights.
Towards Equality: Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights Framework 2019-2029(PDF, 1MB) is Darebin City Council's guiding framework to address barriers to equity and inclusion in the community and to support human rights.
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The Framework was endorsed by Council in December 2019 following community consultation. You told us we were on the right track, that you were hopeful the Framework would make a difference in people's lives, and that we should translate its aspirations into tangible outcomes.
Building on the former Equity and Inclusion Policy developed in 2012, the new framework guides Council’s approach to addressing the various barriers to equity and inclusion experienced by Darebin’s citizens and stakeholders and seeks to strengthen their human rights.
It goes above and beyond our legislated responsibilities and places Council at the forefront in tackling disadvantage, inequity and exclusion.
This Framework is about you and your rights. We invite you to use it as a self-advocacy tool, and to hold us to account.