Activities for older adults
Darebin has many groups, clubs, community centres and activities. We can help connect you with the ones that meet your needs, interests and culture.
To help you stay active in a way that interests you, we have put together the Older and Active in Darebin Directory(PDF, 2MB). In this handy guide, you will find over 200 services, groups and programs that welcome older people.
Subscribe to the Older and Active bimonthly eNewsletter where you can find out about upcoming local events and information that may be of interest for you. Alternatively, pick up a hard copy of the newsletter and the directory at a Darebin Customer Service Centre. Or, for a Word version or alternative format call us on 03 8470 8828.
View the latest issue of the Older and Active Newsletter here(PDF, 3MB).
Some of the Older and Active activities include:
- gentle activity groups
- art, craft, dancing activities and gardening
- social groups and outings
- community meals
- learning something new
- games including bowls, bocce, trugo, cards and billiards
- opportunities to socialise and to participate.
To learn more about the directory or the newsletter, or to talk to us about ways that you can get out and about in Darebin, call us on 03 8470 8063.
Neighbourhood Houses
There are a number of Neighbourhood Houses providing a range of support and recreational activities in Darebin.
More information
Supported and Connected Living team
Phone: 03 8470 8828
You can call us yourself, or if you give consent to a family member, friend, doctor, or health service who can call us for you.