Care Finder: advice for getting aged care services Do you or someone you know need help to navigate the aged care system?
Delivered meals Choose from a variety of tasty and nutritious meals with seasonal ingredients, cooked for you with the help from a dietitian.
Flexible respite and social support Our Individual Social Support staff can keep you company in the home or in the community.
Home maintenance service Our home maintenance and modification services provide minor household repairs or modifications to help keep you safe and well in your home.
Home support services for older residents We offer services and support to help older people be active, stay independent and be connected with the Darebin community.
How much do support services for older people cost? Get the latest details on our pricing. Our fees are updated every year.
Support for older people feedback and complaints If you would like to give us feedback or make a complaint find out the ways you can communicate with us.
Support for the carers of older people Find out about the assistance available for carers who help older people who require ongoing support.
Windows and gutter cleaning program As a senior Darebin resident, you can receive assistance from us to have your windows and gutters cleaned.