Delivered meals

Delivering meals older lady with food deliverer

Choose from a variety of tasty and nutritious meals with seasonal ingredients, cooked for you with the help from a dietitian.

About delivered meals

  • we deliver meals between 10am and 2pm, Monday to Friday
  • someone must be home to receive the meals
  • we deliver meals cold so you can reheat them when it suits you
  • please put your chilled meals in the fridge (or frozen meals in the freezer) until you're ready to eat them.

Who can receive home delivered meals?

We deliver meals to older people and people with a disability who are unable to make regular meals.

How much does it cost?

The cost of this service changes each year. See our service fees and charges for details.

More information

Supported and Connected Living team

Phone: 03 8470 8828

You can call us yourself, or if you give consent to a family member, friend, doctor, or health service who can call us for you.