Please call ahead to confirm hours before you visit the tip this week on 03 8470 8888
Our home maintenance and modification services provide minor household repairs or modifications to help keep you safe and well in your home.
We can help you to:
We can also help with other tasks where needed. Please discuss this with our Supported and Connected Living team.
Ask us about our windows and gutter cleaning program if you need assistance to have your windows and gutters cleaned.
We can't help you with:
Our services are for older adults and people with a disability who need help with small tasks in the home.
You can also access some of our services if you live in a privately rented home or a HousingVic home.
Supported and Connected Living team Phone: 03 8470 8828
You can call us yourself, or if you give consent to a family member, friend, doctor, or health service who can call us for you.