How much do support services for older people cost?

carer and older person in car

Get the latest details on our pricing. Our fees are updated every year.

Services are funded through the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)

Guide to service fees

When we first come out to meet you in your home, we will discuss our service fees and charges in the tables below, which are valid from 1 July 2024.

See the bottom of this page for information about service cancellations or meal cancellations.

Service fees for single person households

Service type Single person annual income less than $39,089 Single person annual income between $39,089 and $86,208 Single person annual income over $86,208
Domestic assistance and shopping $7.50 per hour $13.90 per hour $50.30 per hour
Personal care $5.50 per hour $12.40 per hour $52.50 per hour
Flexible respite $4.40 per hour $7 per hour $49.20 per hour
Social Support Individual $7.50 per hour  $13.90 per hour $50.30 per hour
Home maintenance $14.50 per hour, plus materials $22.50 per hour, plus materials $61 per hour, plus materials
Community transport $5 return trip $5 return trip $5 return trip
Social support group $20 per full session $20 per full session $20 per full session
Delivered meals

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

Social Support Individual - transport $7.50 plus $1.30 per km travelled $13.90 plus $1.30 per km travelled $50.30 plus $1.30 per km travelled


Service fees for couples

Service fees Couple annual income less than $59,802 Couple annual income between $59,802 and $115,245 Couple annual income over $115,245
Domestic assistance and shopping $8 per hour $19.40 per hour $50.30 per hour
Personal care $5.50 per hour $12.40 per hour $52.50 per hour
Flexible respite $4.40 per hour $7 per hour $49.20 per hour
Social Support Individual $8 per hour $19.40 per hour $50.30 per hour
Home maintenance $15.70 per hour, plus materials $23.50 per hour, plus materials $63 per hour, plus materials
Community transport $5 return trip $5 return trip $5 return trip
Social support group $20 per full session $20 per full session $20 per full session
Delivered meals

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

Social Support Individual - Transport $8 plus $1.30 per km travelled $19.40 plus $1.30 per km travelled $50.30 plus $1.30 per km travelled


Service fees for families

The family annual income in this table is based on a one child family. For each additional child, add an extra $6,206 to annual income. If you earn over these annual income levels, you will be charged the full cost of the service.

Service type Family annual income less than $66,009 Family annual income between $66,009 and $118,546 Family annual income over $118,546
Domestic assistance and shopping $8 per hour $19.70 per hour $50.30 per hour
Personal care $5.50 per hour $12.40 per hour $52.50 per hour
Flexible respite $4.40 per hour $7 per hour $49.20 per hour
Social Support Individual $8 per hour $19.70 per hour $50.30 per hour
Home maintenance $15.70 per hour, plus materials $23.50 per hour, plus materials $63 per hour, plus materials
Community transport $5 return trip $5 return trip $5 return trip
Social support group $20 per full session $20 per full session $20 per full session
Delivered meals

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

$10.50 for 3-course.

From 1 March 2025: $8 for 2-course.

Social Support Individual - Transport $8 plus $1.30 per km travelled $19.70 plus $1.30 per km travelled $50.30 plus $1.30 per km travelled

Service cancellations

A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required for cancellation of a scheduled service. Your normal service cost of the scheduled visit will be charged in the event of a late cancellation.

Meal cancellations

Meal cancellations are required by no later than 9am on the morning of delivery, otherwise you will be charged for the meal.

More information

Supported and Connected Living team
Phone: 03 8470 8828

You can call us yourself, or if you give consent to a family member, friend, doctor, or health service who can call us for you.