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How to operate wood heaters to reduce smoke, and what to do if you are affected by a neighbour's wood smoke.
Wood heaters are a legal form of heating in Darebin. However, when not operated or maintained correctly, they can cause a public health nuisance to surrounding neighbours.
Commonly a resident who operates a wood heater is not aware that the smoke they are creating is causing concern to their neighbours. It is recommended that if you are experiencing concerns from smoke to firstly speak with your neighbour regarding their wood heater to achieve an outcome that best suits all parties.
Reducing the frequency of operation of a wood heater and using alternative forms of heating will significantly reduce the impact a resident has on surrounding neighbours. However it is also important that when a person uses a wood heater they remember the following tips:
Smoke from wood heaters (even those operated correctly) can be harmful to both your own health and that of your neighbours. Wood heaters are also a contributor to environmental air pollution.
Should talks with neighbours not succeed and smoke is still causing issues to your health, you can maintain a 14 day Wood Heater Log(PDF, 309KB) and submit it to Council for further investigation.
Section 26 of Council’s General Local Law 2015(PDF, 358KB) states it is an offence to burn materials or substances in a wood heater that could be dangerous to health or offensive. this includes recycled timber that may contain chemicals.
More information on wood smoke is available on the Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) website.