If you need to report a lost, damaged, or missed bin, or have any other bin-related enquiries, please contact us directly at 03 8470 8888.
If you believe that a business is breaching tobacco laws, you may contact us to make a complaint.
We conduct regular education visits to tobacco retailers, eating establishments, licensed premises and gaming venues in regards to administering and enforcing requirements under the Tobacco Act. This includes enforcing non-compliance in response to education visits and public complaints.
We aim to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco smoking through:
If you believe that a business is breaching the tobacco laws, you may contact us to make a complaint.
Health Protection Ph: 03 8470 8658 Email: health@darebin.vic.gov.au
Further information Department of Health Website: www.health.vic.gov.au/tobaccoreforms Ph: 1300 136 775 (Tobacco Information Line)