Down on the farm

This hands-on program allows children to interact with a variety of farm animals with the guidance of an experienced educator.

Recommended for kindergartens and play groups. Children are encouraged to explore the features and needs of living things and to develop respect, care and appreciation for the natural environment.

This program can be varied between 2 - 4 hours to suit the needs of individual groups and generally includes breaks for snacks or lunch.


  • Guided farm tour
  • A ride through the wildlife reserve
  • to learn about emus and kangaroos
  • Hands-on garden learning including exploration, planting and digging

Links to the Early Years Learning Framework

Outcome 1

  • Be open to new challenges and discoveries
  • Persist when faced with challenges and when first attempts are not successful
  • Confidently explore and engage with social and physical environments through relationships and play

Outcome 2

  • Broaden their understanding of the world in which they live
  • Show growing appreciation and care for the natural and constructed environments
  • Develop an awareness of the impact of human activity on environments and the interdependence of living things

Program cost

$18 per child, $8.20 per adult helper (prices current from 1 July 2024).


Bookings are essential and should be made well in advance to secure your desired dates. For bookings or further information please contact our Education Team Leader.

Phone: 03 8470 8164