Darebin Celebrates!

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We invite you to get involved in our creative community activations. There are so many ways to celebrate and connect in Darebin.

Darebin's community is uniquely diverse and vibrant, reflecting a rich tapestry of cultures, religions, and backgrounds. This wonderful inclusivity shines through our festive celebrations, a season made brighter by the joy and connection we share.

Each year, Darebin Council acknowledges through messages and activities, over 75 significant days and events that hold meaning for our community. These acknowledgments are intended to honour and increase awareness of our community’s values and commitments, respectfully recognising these important dates.

Upcoming events: celebrate and connect

Past events: celebrate and connect


Why aren’t there as many Christmas decorations as usual this year?

In line with our sustainability goals, we have decided to reduce some plastic decorations as part of this year’s festive season program. Instead, we will be focusing on providing opportunities for our community to connect and celebrate together. 

Will there be a big Christmas Tree?

To ensure the safety of our community and staff, protect our gum trees, and support our sustainability goals, we will be installing a 3.6 metre Christmas Tree at Preston Town Hall this year, instead of our traditional 6 metre tree.

Additionally, smaller Christmas trees will be placed in multiple key activity centres throughout Darebin to spread festive cheer.

Our 6 metre Christmas Tree is currently in storage. An arborist was engaged to assess if it could be installed at Preston Town Hall this year, with advice given that it would be too close to gumtree limbs.  Placing it closer to the footpath away from the gums risked installation machinery damaging the concrete. We will look into feasibility of having it on display for future Christmases. 

Why hasn’t Council done bin wraps this year?

In line with our sustainability goals, we have decided to remove plastic, single use bin wraps from the festive season program. Funds historically spent on the bin wraps will be redirected to a program of community activities and opportunities to connect and celebrate in Darebin. 

What’s happening in Darebin's main shopping strips?

Traditional Christmas displays and decorations maintain a strong presence in Darebin’s key activity centres and selected shopping strips, delivered by Darebin’s four Trader’s Associations (Preston, Northcote, Fairfield & Reservoir) with each receiving an additional $5k contribution from Council as per previous years.

Why doesn’t Darebin City Council celebrate Christmas anymore?

We absolutely do! Darebin is a uniquely diverse and vibrant community, and while we celebrate Christmas, we also embrace and honour the many ways our residents come together at this time of year.

We’re so fortunate to be part of a community that reflects so many different traditions and backgrounds – let’s celebrate all the richness and joy they bring!

What’s on in Darebin this festive season?

From creative community activations to festive shopfront artwork, dazzling reindeers, to joyous performances, there are so many ways to celebrate and connect in Darebin.

Find out more on this page and on our socials.

What events does Darebin Celebrate?

Each year, Darebin Council acknowledges through messages and activities, over 75 significant days and events that hold meaning for our community. These acknowledgments are intended to honour and increase awareness of our community’s values and commitments, respectfully recognising these important dates.

We’re so lucky to be part of a community filled with diverse traditions and backgrounds – let’s embrace the beauty and joy each one brings. 

Why doesn’t Darebin Council put on Christmas Carols?

For many years, Darebin’s annual Carols were celebrated as a family Christmas concert held at All Nations Park in Northcote.

During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Carols event pivoted into Illuminate Darebin where Council buildings and sites were lit up with artistic light installations, complemented by an online Community Mixed Tape featuring different community choirs showcasing end of year festive songs.

In December 2021 we introduced a new annual concert series across various Darebin sites titled Our Songs: A celebration of Peace, Love and Joy which will run again in 2024 for the community to enjoy.  

This focus on Peace, Love and Joy is inspired by the idea of our local community coming together in the spirit of reconciliation and harmony at the neighbourhood level.

How can I support local businesses this festive season?

Visit our Business maps page and Clothing page for information on local businesses and op shops. 

How can I make more sustainable choices this festive season?

Check out the end of year celebration tips on this page for handy tips and tricks for being more sustainable this festive season. 

What can I do with my Christmas tree after Christmas?

Check out the Christmas trees and alternatives article on this page for everything you need to know about choosing, and disposing of your Christmas tree. 


Where are the Reindeer, why aren't they located in Preston this year?

The Reindeer have been moved to Northcote Town hall this year, to the Civic space on High Street Northcote. This decision was made as we would like to share the Reindeers across the City. 

Why have we invested money into the Reindeers?

The Reindeers are a permanent asset of Darebin City Council, a local business created these art pieces over 5 years ago. 

