Request a parking restriction change

cars parked in shopping precinct

Residents can request changes to parking on their street, including adding, removing or changing restrictions.

If you are seeking change to local parking arrangements in your street, you can make a request for change to us.

Complete our request for altering parking / residential parking permit scheme form(PDF, 122KB), with support from at least one other resident or local business from another address on the same street the parking change is proposed.

Forms can be forwarded to our Sustainable Transport department by emailing or by mailing the form to 274 Gower Street, Preston, 3072.

Following the receipt of a parking request for change form from the community, signed by a person living in at least one other property in the affected area, the street is included on the list for parking reviews.

When a request is received by us, we will follow these steps:

Step 1

Action: Investigate collected data and measure parking demand for the area. If parking demand is determined to be high, Council will start the investigation.

Step 2

Action: Consult with local residents and businesses to understand their needs, challenges and access requirements.

Step 3

Action: Council will consider input from the community and prepare a proposed parking plan.

Step 4

Action: Council will seek feedback on the proposed plan from the community by asking residents and property owners to fill out a survey.

Step 5

Action: Feedback will be considered and a decision will be made on how to proceed using parking data, community feedback and technical analysis.

Step 6

Action: Communicate its decision and make changes to signage if applicable.

How long will it take?

Reviewing and consulting on changes in a street typically takes 6 months depending on the complexity of the issues in the area.

Parking requests will be prioritised for review based on whether there are safety issues that need attention, where there is a need due to a mobility impaired person, where there is the most parking pressure and on which request was made first. This means that sometimes requests can be on the waiting list for 6 months or longer.

We will let you know approximately when to expect your request to be reviewed.

Parking request reviews

For streets that have a safety risk or high parking, consideration will be given to progressing with the request for change process in advance or separate to the Your Street Your Say Program.

Our current parking requests

Listed alphabetically, these streets are currently being reviewed

Street Status 
 Adams Street, Preston  ITC
 Adeline Street, Preston  ITC
 Arthur Street, Thornbury   
Balfour Street, Reservoir
Ball Court, Bundoora
Ballantyne Street, Northcote (between High St and Stott St)  
 Bellevue Crescent, Preston  
Bellevue Crescent, Preston ITC
 Bent Street, Northcote  ITC
Best Street, Reservoir Complete
Butler Street, Preston ITC
Cain Avenue, Northcote ITC
Clapham Street, Thornbury ITC
Clarke Street, Northcote ITC
Clive Street, Alphington Step 1
Collins Street, Thornbury ITC
Cornwall Street, Northcote ITC
Cramer Street, Preston ITC
Cunningham Street, Northcote ITC
Darebin Street, Thornbury ITC
David Street, Preston ITC
Elizabeth Street, Coburg Nth< Step 1 
 Enderly Avenue, Reservoir  ITC
Erval Avenue, Preston Complete
Eunson Avenue, Northcote Complete
Flag Street, Kingsbury Complete
Flett Street, Preston Step 1
Foley Avenue, Preston Step 1
Furzer Street, Preston Step 1
Fyfe Street, Reservoir Complete
Garnet Street, Preston ITC
Gellibrand Crescent, Reservoir In progress
Gilbert Road, Reservoir Step 1
Gilbert Road, Reservoir (Henty Village) ITC
Harper Street, Northcote ITC
Hayes Street, Northcote ITC
Heidelberg Road, Alphington Step 1
Hickford Street, Reservoir Complete
High Street, Northcote (near Walker St) ITC
Hotham Street, Preston  ITC
Hunter Street, Northcote ITC
James Street, Northcote Step 1 
Johnson Street, Reservoir  ITC
Josephine Grove, Preston Complete
Junction Street, Preston Step 3
Kelverne Street, Reservoir Step 5
Lakeside Avenue, Reservoir Step 1
 Latona Avenue, Preston  ITC
Leinster Grove, Thornbury ITC
Lowther Street, Alphington Step 1
Malua Street, Reservoir ITC
 Margaret Grove, Preston  ITC
Milton Crescent, Preston Step 1
Mitchell Street, Northcote (between Derby Street and Andrew Street) ITC
Mitchell Street, Preston ITC
Murray Road, Preston ITC
Normanby Avenue, Thornbury (approx. 350 metres length, west of St Georges Road) Step 1
Parkland Grove, Kingsbury ITC
Patterson Street, Preston ITC
Plateau Road, Reservoir Step 1
Purinuan Road, Reservoir Complete
Queen Street, Reservoir ITC
Quinn Street, Preston ITC
Radford Road, Reservoir Step 1
Raleigh Street, Thornbury ITC
Raleigh Street, Thornbury (east of Station Street) ITC
Regent Street, Preston Step 1
Robeson Street, Preston Complete
Rowe Street, Alphington Step 1
Seymour Street, Preston Step 1 
 Showers Street, Preston  ITC
Smith Street, Thornbury ITC
South Street, Preston ITC
South Crescent, Northcote Complete
St Neots Avenue, Northcote Step 1
Stanworth Ct, Preston ITC
Storey Road, Reservoir Complete
Showers Street, Preston Complete
Sugar Gum Drive, Bundoora ITC
 Swallow Street, Preston  ITC
 Sylvestor Grove, Preston  ITC
Tharratt Street, Thornbury ITC
Thomas Street, Preston ITC
Townhall Avenue, Preston ITC
Union Street, Preston Step 1
Victoria Road, Northcote ITC
 Walsal Avenue, Preston  ITC
Walton Avenue, Preston Complete
Westbourne Grove, Northcote Step 6
Westbourne Grove, Northcote (between Helen St and Henry St) ITC
Wimble Street, Northcote Step 1
Yarana Road, Alphington Step 1

ITC = Investigation to commence

Parking management in commercial areas

By restricting parking times in places near the local shops, the on-street parking can be used by more people. Where there is a need, a variety of times between 5 minutes and 2 hours are considered. This provides access for those making a quick stop and also to those that may be staying a bit longer.