Road opening permit and works within road reserve consent

worker drilling in road

Road opening permits, and consent for works within road reserves. 

Any contractors or private individuals who wish to undertake "non-utility minor works" as defined in the Road Management (Works and Infrastructure) Regulations 2015, such as:

  • connecting water or gas
  • creating or repairing a footpath
  • excavating a road
  • installing or repairing a stormwater connection.

Apply for a road opening permit

It's quick and easy to apply for a road opening permit online. You'll be asked to identify the property as the first step in your application.

During the application process you will need to provide:

  • Amount of public liability cover
  • Works Manager ABN number
  • Concrete footpath - 100mm depth. The number of bays required to be reinstated by Council for Concrete footpath - 100mm depth
  • Concrete crossing 125mm-150mm depth. The square metres (m2) required to be reinstated by Council for Concrete crossing 125mm-150mm depth
  • Bitumen Road Opening (minimum of 1m2). The square metres (m2) required to be reinstated by Council for Bitumen Road Opening (minimum of 1m2)
  • Deep lift asphalt concrete Road Base (minimum of 1m2). The square metres (m2) required to be reinstated by Council for Deep lift asphalt concrete Road Base (minimum of 1m2)
  • Kerb & Channel (must be joint to joint). The linear metres (m) required to be reinstated by Council for Kerb & Channel (must be joint to joint)
  • Tactile Replacement. The number of tactiles to be replaced by Council.
  • The cost of the works as quoted by Council for the reinstatement of any/all of the above as relevant to your project.
  • Payment will be required.

Apply for open roads permit

The road opening permit applies for works involving less than 8.5sqm excavation only.

See the section below "Works within road reserve consent" application section below for any works involving with more than 8.5sqm excavation.

Works on our assets must also comply with the specification in the Road Opening Permit Conditions(PDF, 83KB). Please follow the step-by-step guide below to ensure you're complying with all regulations.

For further information please contact Darebin City Council customer service.

Download the Road Management Plan for 2021(PDF, 1MB).

For utilities, road authorities or agents - works within road reserve consent (over 8.5sqm excavation)

Any utilities and their agents and road authorities and their agents, in all cases where the works that are proposed to be undertaken must use this "Application for consent", unless an exemption applies as defined under The Road Management (Works and Infrastructure) Regulations 2012.

This application is only to be used by utilities, road authorities or their agents.

Apply for works within a road reserve consent permit

If you need to update council for notification of proposed work or completed works, then please complete the Works within road reserve notification form(PDF, 99KB) and email to Darebin Mailbox. No fees will be applicable for notification of work.

Development works within road reserves and easements

The Development Works Within Roads & Easement Permit is for development creation of assets including outfall drainage and right of way construction only.

Apply online to provide notification of proposed works to us for development works within road reserves or easements:

You'll need to provide a location map for the area of work.

Apply for development works within road reserves or easements

Emergency works

Emergency works are short term, unplanned works which need immediate attention. You do not need to apply for a permit when responding to emergency works, such as:

  • burst water mains
  • disruptions to essential services
  • gas main explosions
  • power lines over the road.

Emergency works procedure

  1. Make the site safe to complete the works
  2. Complete the emergency works
  3. Notify us within 48 hours of completing works. We will tell you the next steps based on the situation

Step 1: Prepare your application

Check if the site is on a declared road

Declared roads are freeways, arterial roads and some non-arterial state roads.

Check if the site is on a declared road with the VicRoads map of declared roads.

If the works are located on, or extend onto, a declared road, you need to contact VicRoads on 13 11 70 for approval first.

Get approval from public transport authorities

If your works are near public transport, you need approval from the relevant authority, such as:

Contact the relevant authority for their specific approval requirements.

Contact Dial Before You Dig

Contact Dial Before You Dig to find out if there are any utility services or infrastructure located below ground, either underneath or near your proposed works.

If any services are found, you need to include these in the site plan when you apply.

Develop a site plan

A clear site plan will help us make a decision about your application and minimise delay.

The site plan needs to show:

  • underground assets found in your Dial Before You Dig report
  • any other assets that could be impacted by the works, such as street trees, sign posts, power poles, utility service pits and stormwater connections
  • the distance between the excavation point and the impacted assets
  • the area of the opening, including the dimensions.
Create a traffic management plan

The traffic management plan (TMP) needs to be prepared in accordance with the VicRoads Worksite Code of Practice for traffic management.
It must be drawn by a suitably qualified person, as required by the code of practice.

A TMP considers how the work will impact pedestrians, motorists and residents in the area. It also ensures that appropriate steps are being taken to complete works safely.

Prepare your documents before submission

Gather the following documents for submission:

  • approval from relevant authorities, such as VicRoads or public transport authorities
  • Certificate of Currency showing a minimum of $10 million public liability insurance
  • Dial Before You Dig report
  • site plan
  • traffic management plan
  • notification letter to police, fire and ambulance, if their services maybe impacted
  • notification letter to residents whose access may be impacted.

Step 2: Apply and pay online

Contractors carrying out the works and reinstatement can apply online and pay the relevant fees.

Apply for road opening permit


Road opening application fees $305.5 (Inc. GST)

Works within road reserve application fees are subjected to change each financial year.

Application assessment

Once you have submitted the application, we may request more information from you. When we have all the required information, we will respond to you within 10 business days.

If your application is approved, we will email your permit. We will contact you if your application has been refused.

Permit conditions

The permit is valid for 3 months from the date of issue. The permit is for both the road opening works and the reinstatement of assets.

You cannot transfer a permit to another person, company or property.

Step 3: Undertake works

Forty-eight hours before works begin, provide a notification letter to:

  • police, fire and ambulance, if their services may be impacted
  • residents whose access may be impacted.

During the works, make sure that:

  • the Traffic Management Plan is in operation
  • your approved permit is available for inspection onsite at all times
  • any third party contractor is made aware of the permit conditions.

Step 4: Reinstate council assets

You need to reinstate all assets to council standards within 28 days of completing works. If your permit expires before beginning reinstatement, you will need to reapply.

To reinstate the assets, you can:

  • complete the works yourself or through your preferred contractor, or
  • ask us to supply you with a quote to complete the works.

Step 5: Submit a completion of works form

Once you’ve reinstated all assets, submit the completion of works form that comes with your permit, and email it to us.