Vehicle crossing permit

New driveway

A vehicle crossing runs from the road to your property boundary. You need a permit to remove, modify, relocate or build a new vehicle crossing.

Vehicle crossing policy

A vehicle crossing runs from the road to your property boundary. You need a permit to remove, modify, relocate or build a new vehicle crossing.

The Vehicle Crossing Policy(PDF, 129KB) guides the way applications for all new vehicle crossings are managed on all roads in Darebin. According to the Vehicle Crossing Policy, Vehicle Crossover Applications will only be considered if there is no rear access to the property.

The Policy is based on the following four objectives:

  • Retention of Public Space - The road reserve, including the road carriageway and verge, is public land for public use, and will be managed to maximise the utility and amenity for the broader community.
  • Safety of all Road Users - Vehicle crossings will be managed in a manner that maximises the safety of vulnerable road users as the highest priority, as well as minimising traffic safety issues.
  • Protection of Urban Amenity - Maintenance and enhancement of urban character is critical to urban amenity, liveability and attractiveness.
  • Improvement of the Environmental Sustainability - The protection and improvement of the environmental sustainability of our city and streets is an overarching requirement of all activities of Council

Who is responsible for vehicle crossings?

A vehicle crossing runs from the road to your property boundary. You need a permit to remove, modify, relocate or build a new vehicle crossing. Vehicle crossings may be on roads managed by either us or VicRoads. Vehicle crossings are the responsibility of the owner who accesses their property via the crossing.

According to the Vehicle Crossing Policy, Vehicle Crossover Applications will only be considered if there is no suitable rear access to the property. If you’re the benefiting property owner, you’re responsible for building the vehicle crossing and adjacent footpath.

Do I need a vehicle crossing permit?

A Darebin Vehicle Crossing Permit is required to remove, modify, relocate or build a new vehicle crossing. Vehicle crossing application is a two-step process. Vehicle Crossover Applications will only be considered if there is no suitable rear access to the property.

Vehicle crossing application is a two-step process.

Step 1: submit a crossover application

This application begins the process to obtain the approval for a vehicle crossover permit.

The Vehicle Crossing Policy provides guidelines for the installation and alteration of vehicle crossings in Darebin. The policy aims to prioritise the safety of vulnerable road users, ensure public space is retained for the broader community and that neighbourhood character of the street is maintained.

According to the Vehicle Crossing Policy, Vehicle Crossover Applications will only be considered if there is no suitable rear access to the property.

Please read the vehicle crossing policy(PDF, 129KB) before applying to see whether your property could have a vehicle crossing.

You will need to provide:

  • If you already have a planning/building permit, please have it on hand as you will need to provide some information about your planning/building permit
  • If you have a drawing of the proposed vehicle crossing, please have it on hand as you will need to upload a copy in this application
  • Payment will be required

Begin crossover application

Step 2: apply for the construction permit

If a vehicle crossover application is approved in step 1, you will then need to apply for a permit to construct the vehicle crossing.

Please read the crossover specifications(PDF, 121KB) and contact Darebin Customer Service if you need more information.

You will need to provide:

  • Amount of public liability cover
  • The approved crossover application number
  • The Work Manager ABN number
  • The start and end dates of the works.

Apply for crossover construction permit

If a vehicle crossing is damaged, we may ask you to repair, replace or remove a vehicle crossing or footpath section if there's potential danger to road and footpath users.


Application or permit type Fee for 2024/2025
Vehicle Crossing Permit Application $203
Vehicle Crossing Construction Permit Application $328

Fees may be updated on 1 July every year