Build on flood-prone land

Raindrops are falling on the road

Some areas of Darebin are designated as flood-prone — you may need a Report and Consent application before your building permit can continue.

Flood map update - May 2023

As of 12 May 2023, the City of Darebin has access to new flood mapping.

It provides the best, latest information for the City of Darebin and the community to understand flood risk for properties across the municipality.

Properties within the flood-prone areas are considered likely to flood in a high-intensity storm, at a level considered a 1% chance of happening in any given year. However, storms of this intensity are not cyclical. They may happen more than once in a year, or many years may pass without one.

While high-intensity storms at this level are a low percentage chance of occurring, it is important to understand flood risks, and use the knowledge to help reduce potential impacts.

We are using the updated flood mapping data to:

  • identify properties at risk
  • advise people with current report and consent applications and / or planning permit applications using the new data
  • help people prepare and design for proposed building works

The new flood map adopts the latest Melbourne Water flood specifications, and uses a more advanced flood modelling tool that includes the effects of climate change and urbanisation. Council is working towards formally including this up-to-date flood mapping into the Darebin Planning Scheme.

To find out more you can contact our planning and building teams:

Existing planning applications

Phone 03 8470 8850

Existing report and consent applications

Phone 03 8470 8899

When you are at the design stage

If you are in design phase and you're unsure whether a property is located on flood-prone land, the first step is to check with a property information certificate 51 (2). This document provides a statement of whether the property is:

  • subject to termites
  • within a bushfire area
  • in an alpine area
  • within designated land
  • subject to flooding

51 (2) property certificates are available through our online portal below. You will need to sign into our eServices portal, but you can also register for an account using this link:

Visit our eServices portal for 51 (2) property certificates

Once you have this information, you can then decide to lodge an application for a flood report and consent if required by the building regulations.

  • If a planning permit is required for your development, and the flood mapping is addressed through the planning process, a report and consent will not be required.
  • Before you lodge your report and consent application, please speak to the building surveyor you engaged for a building permit, as exemptions may apply.

Before you lodge your flooding application, please speak to the building surveyor you engaged for a building permit, as exemptions may apply.

How to apply for a flood report and consent

You can apply by emailing the following documents to

You'll need:

  • Complete the application form for consent to build on land liable to flooding (download below)
  • Details of the relevant building surveyor for the building permit
  • Current copy of title
  • Land survey plan showing site levels to Australian Height Datum (AHD)
  • Floor plans and elevations showing levels to AHD
  • Melbourne Water flood level referral or a flood certificate 51 (2)

Download the application form(PDF, 582KB)

More information

Phone: 03 8470 8899