Please call ahead to confirm hours before you visit the tip this week on 03 8470 8888
Understand your responsibilities as a pool or spa owner, and what happens if you don't comply.
You're responsible for the registration and inspection of your pool, spa and safety barrier, to ensure they meet safety regulations. If you don't comply with our directions, we may refer the issue to a magistrate.
Fees apply during the pool and spa registration and inspection process. We set non-compliance fees, but we're not responsible for commercial inspection fees that your provider charges. For this reason, we encourage you to get multiple quotes.
If your inspector finds an issue with your safety barriers and you don't resolve it within 60 days, you may receive a non-compliance certificate. A fee of $424.60 applies in this case.
For more information please refer to Victorian Building Authority website.
If you're a building surveyor or inspector, submit your request below. You'll be asked to identify the property as the first step in your application.
Apply for non-compliance certificate
Building Department Phone: 03 8470 8899 Email: