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Details in relation to reviewing and updating the planning controls for the Preston Market Precinct.
In 2017, the the Minister for Planning tasked the Victorian Planning Authority with reviewing and updating the planning controls for the Preston Market Precinct. The precinct (which includes the market) is privately owned and has been designated as a strategic site with the ability to accommodate new homes, jobs and infrastructure.
We've worked hard over the last three years to find out what you love about Preston Market and advocate for what's most important to protect.
There are several steps to go before the Minister for Planning decides on any new planning controls. However, in August 2020, the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) announced that the Preston Market project would be fast-tracked. We weren't notified of this decision beforehand.
We'll continue to advocate for the best outcome for the community at every stage of the process. This includes commenting when the Victorian Planning Authority releases its draft plans.
Find out more on our Your Say Darebin website.