Recently completed planning scheme amendments

Here's a list of recently approved amendments to the Darebin Planning Scheme.

The Darebin Planning Scheme helps Council make decisions about land use and development in Darebin. The following is a list of recently approved amendments to the Darebin Planning Scheme.

Amendment C170 - Development Contributions Plan

Planning Scheme Amendment C170dare has been approved by the Minister for Planning and the Darebin Development Contributions Plan (DCP) has been implemented in the Darebin Planning Scheme.

You can view the approved amendment documents on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

The DCP places a levy on new development to help fund infrastructure for our growing community to 2041. Find out more about Amendment C170dare on the project's Your Say page or go to the Development Contributions Plan page for information on the operation of the DCP.

Amendment C203 - Heidelberg Road Heritage

Amendment C203 implements heritage protections to the following seven (7) individually significant properties along the Heidelberg Road Corridor.

The amendment applies the Heritage Overlay to these properties, incorporates individual Statements of Significance into the Darebin Planning Scheme and updates the City of Darebin Heritage Study Incorporated Plan – Permit Exemptions (2022).

Amendment C212 - Preston Market interim controls

The amendment extends the expiry date of mandatory height controls to part of the Preston Market site on an interim basis until 29 December 2023. It does this by amending Schedule 1 to Clause 37.06 (Priority Development Zone).

Amendment C212 came into effect in the Darebin Planning Scheme 22 December 2022

Amendment C161 - Fairfield Village built form and heritage controls

Implements the Fairfield Village Built Form Guidelines 2017 (amended 2019) and the Fairfield Village Heritage Assessment (amended 2019). It applies a new design and development overlay and new heritage overlays, corrects minor zoning and overlay anomalies, and updates relevant policy references in the Local Planning Policy Framework.

Amendment C161 was approved and came into effect in the Darebin Planning Scheme on 22 July 2021. It was exhibited and submissions accepted from 17 May 2018 until 18 June 2018.

Amendment C167 – Showers Street built form controls

Implements the ‘Showers Street Design Guidelines – Background Report (2018)’ into the Darebin Planning Scheme. This includes making changes to a number of existing schedules to the Design and Development Overlays which applies to the area and the inclusion of a new Schedule 22 for 22-50 Showers Street and 19-45 Showers Street Preston.

Amendment C167 was approved and came into effect in the Darebin Planning Scheme 12 November 2020.

Looking for an Amendment that is not listed here? A complete history of amendments to the Darebin Planning Scheme on the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning website.