Extension of time

If you need longer to start or finish your development, you can apply for an extension of time. Learn how Darebin may respond to your application.

When we issue a planning permit, you must commence your use, display your sign or start and finish your development within specified time frames. If you need longer, you can apply for an extension of time under some circumstances.

It's quick and easy to apply online:

Extension of time


The deadlines for applying for an extension are as follows:

  • If you need more time to get started, you can ask for an extension before or within six months after the planning permit expires.
  • If you need more time to finish, you can ask us to extend the completion date within 12 months after the permit expires.

We don't approve extensions of time automatically. We consider a range of criteria, including:

  • whether there has been a change of planning policy
  • whether the permit holder is “warehousing” (waiting for a better time to start the permit)
  • why the permit hasn't been started
  • the length of time since we issued the permit
  • whether the original time frame was sufficient to start the permit
  • any economic burden that the permit imposes on the permit holder
  • the likelihood that we'd issue a permit again if you made a new application.

When you apply for an extension of time, think about the above criteria and give us as much information as you can about why we should approve the request.