Please call ahead to confirm hours before you visit the tip this week on 03 8470 8888
If we need to know more about your planning permit application, we'll send you a request for further information (RFI). Find out what this means.
Because we reviewed your application and we needs more information about your proposal to assess it properly. We'll generally review your application within 28 days of you lodging it. If we have any concerns about your proposal, its likely that we'll identify these in the request.
We don't send an RFI for every application. This will be less likely if you use our checklists and request pre-application advice before you lodge.
It's quick and easy to respond online:
To complete your response you'll need:
Respond to a request for further information
If you need more time to send the information, please contact us before the due date with a reason and revised due date.
Please ensure that you email all requests for additional time to (not to the planner directly) to ensure we can register and action it efficiently.
If you have any questions about this process, call the Planning Department on 03 8470 8850.