Privacy Statement

Welcome to the Darebin City Council website. Council is committed to protecting an individual’s right to privacy as part of its commitment towards accountability, integrity and compliance with privacy legislation.

The Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001 outline Council’s obligations in relation to how it collects, stores, uses and accesses the information we hold about you. 

Information collected when using Darebin City Council websites

Website Collection

You can access the City of Darebin website anonymously without disclosing personal information.

This website uses Google Analytics to gather anonymous statistical information about visitors to help us monitor and improve the website user experience. Google Analytics uses Cookies and JavaScript code and captures Clickstream data to visitor logs, gathering information about how visitors use the site without identifying individuals. 

Google Analytics collects, For example:

  • number of visitors
  • browser and version information (the type of browser you are using, for example, Firefox or Internet Explorer)
  • number of time site is visited
  • time and duration of visit
  • pages viewed
  • the Internet Protocol (IP) number (the IP number is assigned to your computer when you use the internet)
  • demographic information
  • sequence of clicks each user makes while navigating through our website
  • navigation path a user takes through the site (address of the last site you visited if you linked into the Darebin site from another website)

As the Darebin website contains links to other web sites, we cannot be held responsible for these sites’ privacy practices or content. Darebin advises web users to check the privacy statements of linked sites.

All information collected is held securely and used solely by Council for a specific and/or directly related purpose. Council may disclose the information collected to other organisations if required or as permitted by legislation. In the unlikely event of an investigation into suspected unlawful or improper activity, a law enforcement agency or government agency may exercise its legal authority to inspect the web server's records (for example, in relation to hacking or abusive messages).


We collect information when you register with our eServices. In using our eServices you are authorising Council to collect information about you and about the transactions that you process through our eServices.

Detailed audit logs are captured in eServices, gathering information about how visitors use the site, for both registered users and if not registered, anonymous users. 

Council may disclose information about you (including your identity) to a third party, if we are legally required to do so due to the processing of a legal investigation, or if we determine that this disclosure is required to assist in the progressing of a complaint regarding your use of the site.

Email Address

Please see the Customer Service Privacy Statement tab below, which is on our email bounce back when you email

Council will record your email address if you send us a message. Your email address will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided it and it will not be added to a mailing list or used or disclosed for any other purpose without your consent.

Email correspondence sent to Council will be archived in accordance with council Records Management and Privacy policies which document how we follow regulations.

We will disclose your email details to the relevant authorities if necessary to protect the safety of the public or to protect the rights and property of Council. 

What is personal information?

Personal information is recorded information or opinion, whether true or not, about an identifiable individual. Personal information typically includes, but is not limited to the following;

  • Name
  • Address - postal and email
  • Telephone - home, work and mobile
  • Date of birth
  • Medicare number
  • Credit card and bank account numbers
  • Motor vehicle registrations

Darebin City Council only collects your personal and health information for the purpose of delivering Council services or if required by law. Individuals can access their own personal and health information. We have applied formal processes and safeguards to ensure that your personal information is protected at all times.

Security of your personal information

Darebin City Council aims to protect the quality and integrity of your personal information and uses appropriate security and technology to maintain information, prevent unauthorised access and ensure the correct use of information.

You should be aware that there are risks in transmitting information across the internet. If you are concerned about conveying sensitive or personal material to Council over the internet, you might prefer to contact us by telephone or post.

What are Council’s information privacy obligations?

Under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Council has obligations in relation to how it collects, stores, uses and accesses personal information that you provide us.

Council is required to set out clearly a policy on its management of personal information. The policy is based on the ten information privacy principles (IPP’s), Council’s Information Privacy Policy(PDF, 225KB) must be available to anyone who asks for it.

Disclosure of personal and health information


Your Personal information and Health information will not be disclosed to anyone unless:

  • You tell us we can
  • The disclosure is related to the purpose of collection and you would expect us to disclose the information or
  • The law requires us to disclose the information [could include an investigation into suspected unlawful activity involving our website (for example, hacking or online fraud)]

Legal Requirement

Some laws allow us to disclose your information in certain circumstances eg: when your neighbour (or neighbour’s agent) requires your contact details for the purpose of contributing to the cost of a fence, which adjoins your properties.

If you require your neighbours contact details you should first take a look at the Fencing Act 1968 and once you have undertaken all preliminary requirements, you will need to complete and submit the Application for Ownership/Property Information Form. The application form is available from any of our customer service centres.  

Third Parties

Where the information was collected for a service that is delivered by a third party on our behalf, (for example, if you sign up for our newsletter, we will share your email address with Sitecore Send), we will share your details with the contracted party and ensure they are bound to Victorian Privacy Law in their handling of the information. Our Privacy Statement for a service will specify when this third party sharing may take place. 

The types of organisation to which we usually disclose personal information include:

  • financial institutions for payment processing
  • third parties who support our information technology
  • our contracted service providers and organisations that carry out activities that assist us to deliver services, including for quality control activities, call centres, mail houses, data entry, data storage, data processing and hosting. In each case, we may disclose personal information to the service provider and the service provider may in turn provide us with personal information collected from you in the course of providing the relevant products or services
  • persons as part of any investigation into you or your activities or to protect our website, our products and our technology assets or the rights, property or personal safety or any person. For example, if we have reason to suspect that you have committed a breach of our website terms or conditions of use or another agreement with Council, or have otherwise engaged in unlawful activity (such as fraud or cyber-crime), and Council reasonably believes that disclosure is necessary to the police, any relevant authority or enforcement body, or to relevant internet service providers or network administrators
  • our professional advisers
  • anyone else to whom you authorise us to disclose it

Access to and correction of personal information

Requests for access and correction to documents containing your personal information are made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Requests must be made in writing stating as precisely as possible what information is required and should be addressed as follows:

  • Mail to: Freedom of Information Officer
    Darebin City Council
    PO Box 91
    Preston Vic 3072

Who do I contact if I believe the Council has dealt with my personal information inappropriately?

If you think the privacy of your personal or health information has been interfered with, within Council or we have breached the Information Privacy Principles, and would like to make a complaint, please:

  • Forward details of your complaint, in writing, to the Privacy Officer, Darebin City Council, PO Box 91, Preston, Vic 3072
  • Forward details of your complaint by email to the Privacy Officer -

External Links to other websites

This site may contain links to external websites. Darebin City Council is not responsible for the privacy or the content of such websites as they may have different privacy policies and practices. We suggest you read the privacy policy of a website before you share information on their site through forms or other ways of sharing information.

Department Privacy Statements

Building Services

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”).

Your personal details are collected so that the Council can:

1. Copies of building plans and documents 

  • verify the identity of the applicant and to ensure that the person/company seeking permission or making the request has the right to do so under the Building Act 1993 or Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014.   Personal details are collected to identify the ratepayer, or that the applicant has the approval of the ratepayer.   Personal information enables Council to contact the applicant for further details, clarification, or updates regarding the application.  We may also request to sight your identification to confirm the applicant’s identity.

2.  Property Information Certificates  

  • verify the identity of the applicant. This information enables Council to contact the applicant for further details, clarification, or updates regarding the application.

3.  Application to register a pool/spa  

  • verify the identity of the applicant and to ensure that the person/company seeking permission or making the request has the right to do so Building Act 1993. Personal information enables Council to contact the applicant for further details, clarification, or updates regarding the application. Regulation147J of the Building Regulations 2018 specifies what prescribed information is required for the swimming pool and spa register.

4. Private building surveyors lodgements

  • verify the identity of the applicant and to ensure that the person/company seeking permission or making the request has the right to do so under the Building Act 1993. Personal information enables Council to contact the applicant for further details, clarification, or updates regarding the application.  

Sharing of personal information

Personal information collected will be used by Building Services for the above purposes or any other unit within the Council as appropriate or required in the performance of its functions.

Personal information collected may be shared with the Building Monitor, the Victorian Building Authority or the Building Appeals Board as appropriate or required in the performance of their functions.The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police, courts.

An incomplete application or an application not be registered as received by Council and will be returned to the applicant. It is an offence pursuant to section 71 of the Building Act 1993 to provide false or misleading information and may result in cancellation of the approval. All information provided must be true and correct.

You can access the Council’s privacy policy by emailing or from our customer centre. For further information on privacy matters please call Council’s Privacy Officer on 8470 8888 or email to

If you would like to gain access to your personal information, you can contact Council’s Freedom of Information officer on 8470 8888 or email to

Building Services - Report and Consent

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”).

Your personal details are collected so that the Council can:

1. Application for Report and Consent – Siting, Flooding, Public Precautions, Place of Public Entertainment (POPE), Section 29A Demolition:

  • verify the identity of the applicant and to ensure that the person/company seeking permission or making the request has the right to do so under the Building Act 1993. Personal details are collected to identify who is responsible for the proposed works and any conditions that might arise from the application. Personal information enables Council to contact the applicant for further details, clarification, or updates regarding the application; Collecting this data ensures that the correct parties can be held accountable in case of non-compliance, and it aids in the enforcement of any decisions made by Council regarding the application.
  • Schedule 2 of the Building Act 1993 specifies that an application must contain the prescribed information. Regulation 24 of the Building Regulations 2018 specifies what the prescribed information is for the purpose of clause 1(a) of Schedule 2 of the Building Act 1993

2. Adjoining Property Owners Comments 

  • verify the identity of the person offering comments in relation to the application. Personal details are collected to identify that the person offering comments is a relevant adjoining property owner. Personal information enables Council to contact the adjoining property owner for further details, clarification, or updates regarding the application. 

Sharing of personal information

Personal information collected will be used by Building Services for the above purposes or any other unit within the Council as appropriate or required in the performance of its functions. Additionally, it may be shared with:

  • Sitting:  Statutory Planning Unit, Climate Emergency & Sustainable Transport Unit, Integrated Water Management Unit
  • Flooding: Statutory Planning Unit, Integrated Water Management Unit
  • Public Precautions:  Climate Emergency & Sustainable Transport Unit
  • Place of Public Entertainment (POPE):  Statutory Planning Unit, Climate Emergency & Sustainable Transport Unit
  • Section 29A Demolition: the Statutory Planning Unit, Strategic Planning Unit.

  • Adjoining Property Owners Comments: Copies of this form that show your personal information may be provided to the applicant. Should you decide to lodge an objection you must be prepared to appear as a witness of the City of Darebin at any appeal at the Building Appeals Board.

We may also share this information with the floodplain management authority (Melbourne Water), the Building Monitor, the Victorian Building Authority or the Building Appeals Board as appropriate or required in the performance of their functions.  The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police, courts.

An incomplete application or an application not be registered as received by Council and will be returned to the applicant. It is an offence pursuant to section 71 of the Building Act 1993 to provide false or misleading information and may result in cancellation of the approval. All information provided must be true and correct.

You can access the Council’s privacy policy by emailing or from our customer centre. For further information on privacy matters please call Council’s Privacy Officer on 8470 8888 or email to

If you would like to gain access to your personal information, you can contact Council’s Freedom of Information officer on 8470 8888 or email to

Customer Service Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information and health information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and Health Records Act 2001 (“HR Act”). Your personal and health details are collected so that Council can resolve or lodge your enquiries. For redirection to, and action by, the relevant Council Department.

Council Customer Service staff will include your personal and health information on Council’s internal databases/systems so that the appropriate member of Council staff can use that information to action your concern. Council staff may also contact you as a follow up/periodic check to verify your contact information in our systems is still correct. 

To assist with your questions and requests we will share information with the:

  • Council Staff, including our language aides.
  • If Council receives a request in error we will forward to the correct body.
  • The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its lawyers, contractors and interpreters.
  • If Council is transferred your request for action from another body we will action on your behalf.
  • At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal and health information, for instance to the police.

Council commits to assessing our progress and performance on service delivery and improving customer experience by engaging customers in satisfaction surveys. Darebin staff may obtain your contact details and contact you for a survey if you used the service they are assessing. Please advise us if you do not wish to participate in a survey by emailing

The Council’s contractors (such an independent market research agency) may conduct surveys on behalf of the Council, specifically about Customer Service performance. Please advise us if you do not wish to participate in a survey by emailing

If you choose not to provide your personal and health information we may not be able to provide a full range of services. We accept anonymous requests and complaints, however we will be unable to provide feedback, responses or an outcome to you without your contact details.

Child Care & Kinder Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and health information under the Health Records Act 2001 (“HR Act”). You and your child’s personal and heath information is collected so that the Council can assess your child’s eligibility, and if eligible, process your child’s registration for kindergarten and an allocation of place at a kindergarten.

We will share this personal and health information with participating long day care and kindergartens as these kindergartens operate the registration system. Darebin City Council administers the registration system on behalf of participating centres and does not manage these centres. Relevant Council Officers will save the forms into Councils’ Business Systems such as the Records Management System, as part of management of receiving and processing for the forms.

The Council may provide personal and health information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal and health information, for instance to the police, courts or The Orange Door who is a voluntary support service for women, children and families.

If you choose not to provide you or your child’s personal and health information, we will be unable to assess their eligibility for kindergarten registration and cannot provide a place at a kindergarten.

Darebin Arts - Ticketsearch

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and Health Records Act 2001 “(HR Act”). Your personal and health information is collected so that the Council can register you for and an event at our Arts Precincts by providing you with a ticket* upon checkout and payment in our Ticketsearch system and noting accessibility requirements, if applicable.

We will share this information with Council’s Arts Precincts departments and Finance managing events on Ticketsearch for the purposes of:

  • managing your booking into the event and contacting you regarding your event booking

  • requesting feedback on an event you registered for

  • internally reporting on event metrics to assist with evaluation and future event planning

  • confirming payment has been received for your ticket

  • supporting accessibility requirements at the venue

  • Ticket purchasers can opt-in, if they choose, to receive marketing updates about news and events from Arts Precincts and/or from the Presenter of the event. Opting out is also available.

  • event organises will receive your First and Last name for the purpose of the event’s activities planning

The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police.

It is possible any information you provide to Council through Ticketsearch may be held outside Victoria, please take this into account in your decision to book with us via this platform. If you choose to book with Ticketsearch, you consent to the transfer and storage of the information provided outside of Victoria.

If you choose not to complete the booking, we may be unable to register you for the event. Please contact us if you would prefer to discuss an alternate method to register such as directly with us at +613-8470-8280 and

You can access the Council’s privacy policy by emailing or from our customer centre. For further information on privacy matters please call Council’s Privacy Officer on 8470 8888 or email to If you would like to gain access to your personal information, you can contact Council’s Freedom of Information officer on 8470 8888 or email to

*If purchasing BLAKTIX, this purchase indirectly indicates a purchasers, or other attendees, race or ethnic origin. This is considered sensitive information under the PDP Act. We collect your personal and sensitive information for the purpose of providing you with reduced price services in connection with booking and attending our performances. By accessing these services sensitive information about you or another individual could indirectly be disclosed. We do not ask you to provide details or confirm your race or ethnic origin, however this is implied when accessing a BLAKTIX ticket, and therefore this could be classified as sensitive information.

Eventbrite Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and health information under the Health Records Act 2001 (“HR Act”). Your personal information and health information are collected so that the Council can register you for and an event we are running by providing you with a ticket.

We will share this information with Council Department managing this event for the purposes of:

  • managing your booking into the event and contacting you regarding your event booking
  • requesting feedback on an event you registered for
  • assessing how we can accommodate any medical needs at our events to best suit your needs and comfort
  • internally reporting on event metrics to assist with evaluation and future event planning

The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police.

The Council uses Eventbrite Services which is a ticketing and registration platform that enables registration for events. Eventbrite may also use your information for its own purposes and you can view the Eventbrite Privacy Policy.

It is possible any information you provide to Council through Eventbrite may be held outside Victoria, please take this into account in your decision to book with us via this platform. If you choose to book with Eventbrite, you consent to the transfer and storage of the information provided outside of Victoria.

If you choose not to complete the booking, we may be unable to register you for the event. Please contact us if you would prefer to discuss an alternate method to register such as directly with us via email or over the phone.

Immunisation Services Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and health information under the Health Records Act 2001. The personal and health information collected, including Medicare number, will be used by Darebin City Council and the Victorian Government for the purpose of providing immunisations and recording immunisation history. The information may be disclosed as required by law or to another Council, Immunisation Provider, GP or Maternal & Child Health Nurse.

The Australian Immunisation Register (part of Services Australia) will receive a record of all immunisations given by the provider as required by law.

Library Services Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council ("Council') collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) ("PDP Act"). Darebin Libraries collects your personal information for the purpose of registering and administering your membership and so we can provide you with the resources and services included in a full membership with Darebin Libraries, including access to our physical and digital collection via the use of third-party apps, as well as use of publicly available resources such as PCs, laptops, WIFI and other resources based at Darebin Libraries branches.

In order to administer your membership, we are required to use your personal information to communicate with you regarding your borrowing habits, overdue products, product and reservation requests and mail-outs to advise you of specific interests/subjects. We may also use your personal information in order to conduct surveys with you on current and future facilities available at Darebin Libraries in order to provide better services.

The default for any correspondence sent to you will be email. To change this after joining, please contact Darebin Libraries. To activate your borrowing privileges, we will sight your ID document/s. We collect your date of birth to confirm you are not under 18 years of age, for which there is a further requirement of guarantor details.

We may share this information with:

Third-party providers of Darebin Libraries collections such as Kanopy and Borrowbox, in order to allow you access to the collections available on those platforms. Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers.  At times, Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police, courts or other authorised organisations.

If you choose not to provide your name, address, phone number and email, we will not be able to provide you with a library membership and you will have limited access to the services provided by Darebin Libraries. 


Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”). Your personal information is collected so that the Council can register your subscription to receive our Council Newsletters. We will share this information with Communications Department and the department in charge of the specific newsletter for the purposes of sending your newsletter to you and sometimes internally reporting on metrics (non identifiable) to assist with evaluation and use of this service. 

The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police.

To manage the email subscriptions Council uses Sitecore Send which is an email management platform.  Council has included a clause in its contract with Sitecore Send to bind them to handle personal information they receive from Council with Victorian Privacy Principles under the PDP Act. It is possible information you provide to Council for subscription may be held outside Victoria by Sitecore Send. Please take this into account in your decision to subscribe to the newsletter.  If you choose to subscribe to the newsletter, you consent to the transfer and storage of the information provided outside of Victoria.

If you choose not to complete this subscription form, we may be unable to subscribe you to the newsletter.

You can access the Council’s privacy policy by emailing or from our customer centre. For further information on privacy matters please call Council’s Privacy Officer on 03 8470 8888 or email to If you would like to gain access to your personal information, you can contact Council’s Freedom of Information officer on 03 8470 8888 or email to

People & Culture Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council collects, holds and manages staff's personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”).

The personal information provided to People & Culture Department for the purpose of processing and managing employment related matters (i.e. employment engagement surveys and employment contracts). We may also need to contact staff from time to time for directly related purposes.

Relevant Officers will enter personal details into Councils’ Business Systems such as the Payroll system Chris21 and the Records Management System as part of the management of receiving and processing the forms. Instances where we may share this personal information, when we are legally required to, for include:

  • to the Police or Courts
  • to Council’s agents, such as lawyers
  • with Council Staff, including Payroll and Finance in order to process requests

Reservoir Leisure Centre Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and health information under the Health Records Act 2001 (“HR Act”). Your personal and health details are collected so that the Council can provide you with and manage your membership at Reservoir Leisure Centre. Your date of birth allows us to verify if you are eligible for a Staying Active or Teen membership type or determine the most appropriate Swim School level.

We will share this information with the Council staff at Reservoir Leisure Centre managing memberships for the Centre and internally at Council for review and reporting of use of the centre. The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police.

If you choose not to complete this application form we will be unable to process your membership application.

Supported & Connected Living Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and health information under the Health Records Act 2001 (“HR Act”).

Your personal and health information will only be used by our Supported and Connected Living Department staff who use Carelink Plus and are trained to contact you regarding your My Aged Care plan. Your personal and health information are collected from your referral from My Aged Care to Council. This information is then used to set you up on Council’s Customer Relationship Management System, Carelink Plus. We then use this information to contact you about creating a My Aged Care Plan for your services.

The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its lawyers and interpreters. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal and health information, for instance to the police or courts.

Council commits to assessing our progress and performance on service delivery and improving customer experience by engaging customers in an Annual Satisfaction Survey. Please let Council know if you would like to not be contacted for this purpose.

If you choose not to provide your personal and health information, we may not be able to provide a full range of services. 

Sustainable Transport Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and health information under the Health Records Act 2001 (“HR Act”). Your personal information and health information are collected so that this Department at Council can:

  • register you for and an event/program they are running by providing you with a ticket or adding you to the attendance list
  • assess your application for an Accessibility (Disabled) Parking Bay
  • assess your application for Bike hoops
  • manage your hire of a Bike flat raq
  • provide schools with support packs and prize drawer entry on active travel initiatives

We will share this information with Sustainable Transport team managing events and applications for the purposes of:

  • managing your booking into an event and contacting you regarding your event booking
  • requesting feedback on an event you registered for
  • confirming you are eligible to request an Accessible Parking Bay
  • confirming the school is eligible for event materials
  • if you opted in - providing you updates on events or courses run by the Sustainable Transport Department
  • confirming you have an association with Darebin by living, working or studying in the area which can be a criteria of the event
  • confirming your identity by sight when you hire a Bike flat raq
  • internally reporting on event metrics to assist with evaluation and future event planning

The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police.

If you prefer not use our forms or Eventbrite booking to provide your details, please contact us to discuss an alternative arrangement.   

Youth Services Privacy Statement

Darebin City Council (“Council”) collects, holds and manages personal information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (“PDP Act”) and health information under the Health Records Act 2001 (“HR Act”).

Your personal and health information are collected so that the Youth Services at Council can:

  • use your feedback to improve services offered from Youth Services. As a valued client of our services, we appreciate your feedback to help us continue to improve our service and to assist use in future service delivery planning.
  • verify you are a registered user of our services
  • register you and contact you regarding the registration into youth programs at The Hub/Decibels or discuss further options regarding suitable programs
  • manage your booking into our Programs and contact you regarding your booking
  • register you and contact you regarding the workshops Youth Services offer or discuss further options regarding suitable workshops
  • sign you in at the Hub/Decibels for your program attendance
  • assess how we can accommodate any medical needs at our Programs to best suit your needs and comfort
  • to provide a referral and offer assistance with the referral to the best reputable youth organisations that are suitable to assist
  • confirm you are in the age range that the program is arranged for
  • internally report to identify suburbs/areas that would benefit from further presence from Youth Service
  • we collect your gender identity for the purpose of tailoring our programs to specific cohorts

We will use and share this information with our Darebin Youth Services Team for the purpose of continuous improvement of our programs and programs / workshops management as mentioned above. At times, the Council may be legally required to disclose personal information, for instance to the police or courts. The Council may provide personal information to its agents, such as its accountants or lawyers.

Relevant Council Officers in Youth Services will save the forms into Councils’ Business Systems such as the Records Management System, as part of management of receiving and processing for the forms. Only Youth Services have access to this Systems’ section.

If you choose not to complete the form, we will be unable to provide a full range of services or booking confirmation.

More Information

You can access the Council’s privacy policy by emailing our Privacy Officer with the details below, or from our customer service centres. If you would like to gain access to your personal information, you can contact Council’s Freedom of Information officer.

Freedom of Information Officer:
Phone: 03 8470 8888

Privacy Officer:
Phone: 03 8470 8888