W items

Washing machine (broken)

Repair, or take to the Darebin Resource Recovery Centre.

Washing machine (good condition)

Donate, give to charity or take to the Darebin Resource Recovery Centre.

Washing powder boxes

Mixed recycling bin.

Waxed cardboard

General rubbish bin.

Waxed paper

General rubbish bin.


Food and garden organics bin.

Wet wipes

General rubbish bin.

White goods (broken)

Repair or take to the Darebin Resource Recovery Centre.

Window panels (unbroken)

Donate, give to charity or take to the Darebin Resource Recovery Centre.

Windows (broken, wrapped in paper)

Hard waste or general rubbish bin.

Wine bottle screw tops

Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid).

Wine bottles

Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid).

Wine cask bag/bladder  

General rubbish bin.

Wrapping paper

Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid).