Go electric for renters

Rental property for lease

What you can do as a renter to be part of the clean energy future.

You don’t need to own your own home to be part of Australia’s clean energy transition.

You can be more comfortable, save on your energy bills and contribute to a safe healthy future in other ways. Here's how!

Switch to GreenPower

Switch your energy account to GreenPower to power your home with renewable energy.

Contact your energy provider and read Greenpeace’s new Green Electricity Guide to see which Australian energy providers are investing in clean energy (and who is holding us back!)

You can compare green power providers and make sure you’re getting the best deal at Energy Compare website.

Choose energy efficient appliances

Need a new fridge or washing machine?

Choose the most energy efficient appliances you can afford when it’s time to upgrade. The more stars the better. It might cost you a bit more to start with, but you’ll save on your energy bills over time.

If you’re on a low income you can apply for a no-interest loan from local Darebin organisation DIVRS to help with up-front costs.

Use a portable induction cooktop

Induction stovetops are a healthy, safe choice for cooking in your home. The good news is that you can rent a portable induction cooktop from Darebin Libraries to try before you buy.

When you are ready, you can buy a portable induction stovetop very cheaply (from $50). Plug it into any powerpoint and use it instead of a gas stovetop. Then take it with you when you move! Find tips and reviews on the Choice website.

You’ll be saving money and keeping the air quality in your home safe and healthy.

Better heating, with cooling

Replace gas or inefficient heating with energy-efficient reverse-cycle air conditioners for lower bills and cooling throughout summer. Let your rental provider know about the Victorian Government’s Energy upgrades rebate program that encourages this shift.

All Victoria rental properties must comply to new energy efficiency standards, including heating. See Tenants Victoria for how this applies to you.

If you can’t get your heating upgraded, heat single rooms at a time and seal gaps as much as you can.

Improve your home’s comfort

Leaky houses are cold in winter and hot in summer.

Sealing window and door gaps, using thick curtains at night in winter and shading external windows in summer can make a huge difference and be cost-effective. Insulation is another essential. Renew’s Renters Guide has tips as well as sample letters to send to your landlord.

Install solar

The Victorian Government’s Solar Rebates for Rental Properties program offers eligible landlords rebates (up to $1,400) and interest-free loans for installing solar panels. This program also includes the option of a co-contribution from renters. Darebin’s Solar Saver Program encourages landlords to take up solar, so it is definitely worth a conversation!

More information

If you have any questions or want to find out more, please contact us.

Climate Emergency and Sustainable Transport
Email: climateemergency@darebin.vic.gov.au