Go Electric

Darebin resident standing outside her house with installed solar panels

Electrify your home or business and benefit from cleaner, cheaper energy.

Check out our upcoming events.

See our upcoming Go Electric events

Electrify everything for a healthy, safe future

Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, landlord or business, nearing retirement or with a young family, replacing a dead appliance or doing a full blown renovation, you can be part of the growing movement to Go Electric.

From heating, cooling, hot water and cooking, to bikes and cars – all-electric options are healthy, clean and you’ll love the reduction in your energy bills – even more so if you have solar panels.

By going all-electric you’ll be among thousands of households and businesses in Darebin investing in a cleaner, safer future while saving on your energy bills. Welcome aboard!


Just getting started? Watch this webinar to learn what is involved to electrify your home, presented by energy and sustainability experts Renew.

Or choose from the links in our Discover section below to find information for homeowners, renters and business owners.

More information

If you have any questions or want to find out more, please contact us.

Climate Emergency and Sustainable Transport
Email: climateemergency@darebin.vic.gov.au