Solar Saver Rates Program

Pay off a solar electricity installation over 10 years through a special charge process.

Through this program, you will receive a Special Charge Notice (similar to a Rates notice) every quarter and you will pay off your system over a 10 year time frame.

Solar Saver Rates Program

Expressions for Interest for the Solar Saver Rates Program are now open.

Positions are limited for this program. Please ensure you are eligible and live in Darebin before submitting your expression of interest.

You can fill out the below survey and register your interest.

Solar Saver Rates Program EOI

How the program works?

We'll pay the upfront cost for the system, and you (or your landlord) pay it off over 10 years, interest-free. The savings you make on your energy bills will more than outweigh your repayments to Council, leaving you better off from day one.

A range of sizes of systems are available. The installer will let you know what the best size for you is according to your average energy consumption.

Council has done the work to help you access quality systems, extended warranties and a reputable supplier.

Find out if you are eligible

Home owners

You must satisfy at least one (1) of the following:

  • Do you have a Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card, Federal Concession Card or Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card?
  • Is the combined household income less than $160,000 based on the previous 2 financial years' tax return?
  • Are you receiving JobSeeker payments through Centrelink?
  • Are you
    • an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander resident?
    • a refugee or a person seeking asylum?
    • a person with a disability?
    • an older person reliant on Commonwealth support?
    • an international student?


This stream has a focus on renters who are First Nation residents, refugees, asylum seekers and international students.

You must be all of four (4) of the following:

  • Do you and the property qualify for the Solar for rental properties rebate from Solar Victoria?
  • Does your household have a combined income of less than $160,000 per year (based on any of the last 2 year’s taxable income)? and
  • Does your rental provider / landlord agree not to seek any repayments from you (the tenant)? and
  • Do you and your landlord both agree to participate in the program?

We may ask you to provide evidence for your answers, to make sure we are providing maximum access to our priority groups. Eligibility criteria changes according to priority groups identified by Council. Being accepted to the waiting list doesn’t ensure eligibility if criteria changes.

More information

Read more information about the Solar Saver Rates Program(PDF, 606KB)  .

You can also compare the Bulk Buy Program (you pay the upfront costs) to the Rates Program (you pay it back over 10 years).


Register your interest below.

Register your interest in the Solar Saver Rates Program